Chapter 5-Tests

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Kristina's POV
I woke up at 6 a.m sharp.It was a bad habit of mine to wake up early in the morning.Normally after waking up,getting dressed,and eating,I would go to the gym and work out a bit but being stuck in this nice cell I couldn't really do much.

Getting out of the bed I went to the bathroom,took a quick shower,brushed my red hair and teeth then changed to some pants and shirt.Right as I leave the bathroom Bucky is walking into my room.

"Looking for me?"He looks at me and fully enters my room.

"Ya.We're going to take some tests on you so come on."I put on some nike shoes and was about to walk towards him but stopped and studied him.He wore jeans,shirt,shoes,and jacket.I didn't see any cuffs so I continued to walk with him.

The elevator door was already opened,all we did was walk in and Bucky pressed a button on the panel that had a bunch of buttons.I studied each button and what they each had on the symbol.Clearly it was made cause someone must have been confused of what each button took them to.

The door opened and Bucky harshly grabs my hand and dragged me to the lab where Tony and Bruce were working at.Although when we entered they both turned and faced me.Tony smirked and Bruce looked at me.

"So let's get this testing over with already and you may need to take it easy with my right arm."

"Why's that?"Tony asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"I have a blue hand print there."Bucky took off his hand and surely enough there it was,a new bruise in the shape of a hand."Thanks for that Bucky."

"Ya we're going to use the left hand then."Bruce said examining my right arm.

"How come you didn't say anything or even hiss in pain?"Bucky asked confused and how could I blame him.I have a bruise and didn't say a peep.

"Been through worse."I said before moving to the metal table and stay down."Come on let's get this show on the rode."I said clapping my hands but regretted it since my right arm hurt but didn't show it.

"First your weight,blood,and health over all."They told me to do all these things.In the end I learned I'm 5'8",I'm 56kg,my hair is red,and I need glasses to read things.

Next came to testing my blood."Just hold still and we'll get your blood pressure."Bruce said and I just shrugged my shoulders not really caring.

But when he turned around and I saw the point of the needle,fear flowed through my body.It was the kind of fear that I've never experienced in all my life.Not even when I was facing Dormamo,Doctor Doom,even Joker.Never I have I felt so much fear in my life.

In a flash I was up and on my feet across the room.My gaze never left the needle in Doctor Banner's hand.My breathing had become shallow and deep,as if I ran a marathon for 3 days.My brown eye's wide in fear.

"What just happened?"Bucky asked but nobody answered.Tony and Bruce followed my line of sight and found that I was looking at the needle.

"Are you scared of a needle?"Tony asked and when I didn't say anything he laughed but I didn't care about that.I was too busy ruffling through my head trying to find out why I was so scared of a needle.

"Tony I think she's terrified of the needle."Bruce said and cautiously put the needle down before slowly walking towards me like I'm some unstable animal or person."Are you scared of that needle?"

I didn't answer him,all my focus was on the needle.It felt like those times when ya hear a song and know the name but ya don't know it and it's at the tip of your tongue but ya still don't know it.That's how I felt about the needle.

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