Chapter 15-My First Take Down

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Kris's POV
  Saying that I look cool is a total understatement.I feel like a badass!The temporary suit and weapons just make me feel like a badass and I love it.

  A knife holder was on each of my arms hidden under the shirt so nobody could take the knife out and use it against me.I had put the black leather pants first then the brown leather waist band where I put a black dagger on the left foot and another black dagger on the right leg holder.

  The red vest was under my black shirt but I could easily get the Vibranium Shrunken.I wanted that hidden from all eyes.It was my secret weapon.

  The black cape was awesome and the big hood that was attached to the cape made me feel even cooler.And the combat shoes made me feel more prepped and ready to run or jump.

  My red hair was tied into a braid since I didn't want it cut or flapping all over my face when fight bad guys or else I would instantly die.And it would be the fault of my hair.

  "Time to find out what the others think."The elevator doors open and I step in,bouncing in the balls of my feet and humming to the music playing in the elevator.

  Not to long the doors open to the main floor where the others were ready and dressed.Thor was in his amour with hammer in hand.Nat had her black catsuit that had blue lines at the side.Katniss was in black pants and sleeveless black shirt that had a bit of purple in the middle.Steve was in his American suit with shield in hand.Tony had his red and yellow suit.Bucky had black pants and black shirt that was long sleeve on his good arm.Loki was plain black suit.Bruce had a bag,For when he Hulks out.

  All their head turn towards me.Toshy had this impressive look on her face as well as Katniss.Shell head was nodding his head in admiration of all his suits combined in one.He-Man and Loki were looking at me...strangely.I'll have to ask them about that.Golden Boy and Bucky were both looking at me up and down.Bruce was fiddling with his jacket.

  "You guys like?"I walked towards them with a huge grin on my face.

  "Love it."Toshy said circling me like a shark with it's prey."Where are the weapons?"I press the button and two knife pop out which I grab and pull out.I moved the cap away to show the dagger on my left leg and other dagger on my right.Then I showed the black ninja stars on the waist belt.Putting back the two silver kites I sued my left hand and reached my back taking out the Vibranium Shrunken.

  "All hidden."She smirked at me."You love it don't you?"

  "I adore it."I couldn't help but smile myself."Let's go."We all hopped into the Avengjet.Widow driving with Hawk in the cockpit with her.

  "So whats the plan?"I asked to the guys."I mean we can't just go in there guns blazing.It's either stealth or not."

  "We're going in by stealth."Cap said."I think you and Tasha should sneak in and get as much information you can on the HYDRA computer as you can.The rest of us will go out and distract them for you."

  "This is going to be fun."


  By the time Black Widow had landed the jet it was already dark outside.I had pulled my black hood up to hide my bright red hair from eyes and to also let me blend into the shadows.

  The base was located in a forest part near N.Y.Somehow I felt more like myself when my feet had touched the brown soil of the earth.It made me feel at home.Home.Something I may never have.

  "Coms on?"Cap tested.

  "Check."We had all said in sync which was really cool to me.

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