Chaper 33-Sup

402 19 0

Kris's POV
Something felt weird about today. When I had woken up this morning, which is correct I had fallen asleep for a whole day, something felt off. I couldn't really put a finger, or paw, on it but something felt off.

It was around 9:53 am the only people awake at this time is Bucky, Steve, and Tony who's been in his lab this whole time. Some times I'm concerned about the playboy.

Walking into the living room Steve and Bucky were both eating food and I was hungry as well so me being the annoying little fox I jumped on the table sat on my ass and started at the food that Steve was eating while they were both eating.

Steve didn't see anything but Bucky looked up and nudged Steve. "I thing Blur is hungry." Steve looked up to find me looking down at his food.

"She eats way too much." I heard him whisper to Buck but I heard it. So your calling me fat? Cause it sound like it.

"She didn't like that. I think she thinks that you called her fat." Thank you Bucky, at least you know what a women thinks.

"Fine." Steve got up from his hair went to grab a bowl and put some milk and cereal in it.

I only eat human food cause animal food is gross. Steve figured that out after I kept stealing his food and putting my food on his empty plate. Those were fun times.

"Here you go." Golden Boy set down the bowl of cereal on the table where I started to eat along with them.


I regret eating that bowl of cereal so badly.

After all three of us had finished eating we had gone to watch some TV and while watching my stomach didn't feel so well. Let's just say that I made it to the toilet before everything that I've eaten in the last two days came out from my mouth.

Now I'm in the lab where Bruce is checking up on me, Steve and Bucky are outside waiting for the news on my heath. Is this how pets feel whenever they get sick and go to the vet?

"Seems that everything is fine with you Blur." Bruce said once the blood samples came in. "You seem to be perfectly healthy, I don't see why you threw up."

"Anything?" Steve asked when he entered the room.

"She seems completely healthy. Maybe the food went bad." Bruce suggested and Golden Boy just shook his head.

Their conversation started to fade out until it felt like I was underwater and they were above water. Then my vision started to blur and that's when I knew of what was going on.

Getting off the metal table I jumped off and dashed out of the room. From behind I could hear Bucky, Steve, and Bruce all yelling out my name and their footsteps following after me.

My vision was blurred and at some points I was close to hitting something but would always dodge at the end, or the thing I was about to hit would skim my fur.

In the living room was everyone else, well I think so since I was rushing past them and didn't take the time to count the blurred faces.

One of the three boys started to yell at the others and the next thing that happens is arms reaching down trying to catch me.

My body started to feel on fire while my insides felt like they were moving around, rearranging themselves.

I went behind a single chair and surprisingly the others didn't follow. Looking down at my paws they were glowing red a bit. Is this a good or bad thing?

My four paws gave out making me fall to the ground. My breathing was becoming heavy and everything seemed to disappear from my sight.

Then it was all over just like last time.

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