Chapter 8-Secret Spilled

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Kristina's POV
  "Questions?"I said clapping my hands together smiling a them but deep inside me I was broken and crying.

  All 8 of hem were silent,trying to register my life story.My life story wasn't bad,it wasn't sad,it wasn't made for them to feel sorry or to see me as a bigger threat.They asked for my story and I gave it to them.

  "Any?"I asked again but none of them said a thing."Do you guys have any way of contacting Nick Flurry?"Tony snorted.So they aren't frozen in time.Good to know.Loki smiled,Stop reading my head!

  No it's quite entertaining.He said back and I thought of a plan.

  Fine you asked for it.LOKI GET OUT OF MY HEAD!I screamed and he held his head while I smirked.

  Before he could do anything I made a mental wall and blocked him out of my head.That was something I learned from Professor X and Doctor Strange.It felt good to learn those things.

  "So is there a way I can call Patchy the Pirate?"I asked again and this time I got an answer.

  "Why?"Tosh asked.

  "Remember when you guys were interrogating me?Well you know how at some point you guys couldn't hear anything?I want to ask him if I can spill the secret."She seemed to be studying me carefully.

  Natasha grabbed her phone pressed a few buttons before handing me the phone.I walked away from them and into the hallway.

"Fury talking."

  "Nick Flurry!"I said happily."How's it going.I'm doing great thanks for asking by the way.Anyhow I just told my life story and was wondering if I can tell them what you asked me during our little chat."

  "You really want them to know?"

  "Yes.The look on their faces would be awesome.So is that a yes?"It was silent on the other line before he spoke again.


  "So I can tell them that when they couldn't hear us you had asked me to become an Avenger and I had said yes?I can tell them that?"

  "You said that because you know their listening didn't you?"

  "Of course.This is Toshy's phone.I bet she won't let anyone use it without her knowing what their saying and doing."Right now all that my mind is thinking of is everyone looking at Natasha."Got to go.But nice chat."I cut the call.

  Walking out of the hallway I see them all looking at me.I simply smirked.How could I not!A secret was just revealed and let me just say some of them have mixed emotions.

  "Here's your phone Toshy."She took her phone and I sat back on the floor.Their gaze never left me."So...You guys want to do something or what?"

  Silence.It's not that big of a deal.They all saved New York from aliens,Cap met his long time friend and had to fight him as well and they're shocked over this!I swear how did I get stuck with them!

  "You guys want to hear a joke?"They looked at me."OK.How do astronauts say their sorry?"I looked at them each,wanting one of them to answer but they didn't."They apollo-gize!"

  Tony made a noise which I think it was him trying hard not to laugh but epically failed.I couldn't help myself but smile at the terrible pun.

  "That was terrible."Natasha said but Clint and Tony's laughs said other wise.

  "Ok,ok.Here's another one.What's the tallest building in your city?"

  "That's easy."Tony said."Stark Tower."I shook my head.

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