Chapter 11-Mission Part 1

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Kristina's POV
  In 2 hours I'll be going to a Massacred Ball.The party started at 8 and right now it's 8:30 p.m.Toshy has been trying so hard for me to let her help me out with everything but just like I said yesterday.It ain't my first Rodeo.

  I took a 30 minute shower,used vanilla scented hair and body wash shampoo.Then I used Sweet Pea lotion on my legs,arms,and face.I know for a fact that this guy will fall to his knees cause I smell so good.

  9:03 p.m.Making good time.I put on a red dress.It was in two pieces.The first piece was the skirt.It went from my feet to just above my knees.The second part was the red strap bra.Close up you can see it's two piece but from afar it seems like a single dress.

  I put on some golden heels and some light make up.My hair was down with the ends of natural curls.I had a watch on my left arm and two rings in my left hand.My right hand had a single bracelet.

  All that was left was the mask.

  "Question."I raised my hand at Fury.It was just me and him in the room.Well I'm by myself while he's on a TV screen.

  "Yes."He said,it was clear that he was annoyed with all my questions.

  "What kind of Massacred is it?Like is it people or animals or what?"I wanted to know cause I don't want to show up at a party having the wrong mask.

  "Animals."He simply answered and I smiled know which animal I wanted.

  Looking at the long length mirror I looked at myself.I look good.Just the last piece.On the table beside me was the mask.

  It was a fox mask.

  I put it on and looked back at the mirror.You couldn't even tell that it was me under the mask.

  The fox has always been my favorite animal.My parents had taken me to a Zoo once and I saw a fox.Immediately I fell in love with the fox.I alway believed at it was my spirit animal and I still believe it to this day.

  There was a knock at the door."Come at your own risk."Still the person opened the door.

  "You look hot."I turn to find Nat looking at me."You weren't kidding when you said this wasn't your first rodeo."

  "Nope."I said popping the 'p'."After being with loads of heroes and them asking me to be under cover I've gotten used to it."

  "I came here to pick you up and to give you a com."She handed me the small ear piece."You put it i-"Nat stopped talking when she saw me putting it in my ear.

  "Alright just need my phone,ticket,and perfume."I found my phone,ticket,and put some sweet scented perfume on.

  We walked out of the room and into the elevator where Toshy pressed the Lobby button.

  "You really need a room of your own."Toshy said out of the blue.

  "I've been thinking about asking Tony but I always postpone it."

  "I could ask him if you want."From the corner of my eye I tried to see why she seems so happy with me around but didn't find anything.

  "That would be cool if you can."I gave her a small smile and surprisingly she returned it.

  The door opens and we walk out.I find Clint wearing a tux and make as well.He's going to be my date isn't he?

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