Chapter 24-Old Partners

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Kristina's POV
  Around 1 in the afternoon we were all packed up.I had informed them that the school was in New York State,Salem Center.

  We left in the Avenjet and in 3 minutes we would arrive.Nick Flurry had called ahead of time that way we don't get shot out of the sky.Best part was he didn't say who was coming so that will be some surprise for everyone.

  My leg was bouncing up and down rapidly.It was be a lie to say I'm not nervous.My heart was racing,to no shock I could actually hear my heart beat.With the Thump,Thump sound that a heart usually makes.But it was much more quicker.

  "Your nervous aren't you?"Steve asked.He sat to my left and no one sat to my right."Just relax.If the Fantastic 4 forgave you then surely you can as well."

  "That's the point Steve.Professor takes care of everyone like they were all his children.I wasn't a mutant but he still took me in and trained me.Soon had asked me to join the X-Men and I had stupidly accepted.We went on a few missions together and James started to warm up to me a bit.Kitten and Rouge were like sisters to me and Storm was the mother I never had.I wouldn't even be surprised if they wouldn't talk to me at all."My head hung in shame and I had closed my eyes.

  Steve's hand started to rub my back."They'll forgive you if you explain why you did what you did.Just like the Fantastic 4,you had explained it to them and they understood.Surly you will as well.And if not you've got us."

  "Thanks Spandex.I needed that."

  "Get ready guys we're here."Wiping away the sweat from my palms.I stood up and the hanger door opened.

3rd Person POV:School for Gifted Youngsters.
  Profesor X had gotten a call yesterday at night from Director Fury.Fury had explained that the Avengers would bring someone who would need help with their gift.Professor X gladly accepted.He liked to help youngsters who didn't know how to use their abilities.

  Now it's the very next day.The school had been cleaned up so they didn't look like slobs in front of this new mutant.He,and the others,wanted to show this new person that they're friendly.

  Professor-X, Wolverine, Kitty,Rouge,Storm,Cyclops,and
Iceman all stood outside of the school awaiting for the Avengjet to arrive along with the new student.

  They all heard the sound of engines and rockets near by and not to long after they all saw the jet.

  It went slower and soon lowered itself until hitting solid ground.The hanger door opened to the Avengers along with the Loki and Bucky.

  But what caught them all off guard,even Professor X,was their old friend and partner was Kristina 'Kris' Webb.

Kristina's POV
  I stood at the front while the others were behind me.My eyes landed first on Professor X.I froze on the spot for a second before running off the jet and hugging the Professor.

  Luckily he hugged me back.I pulled away from him and found James, Storm, Iceman, Cyclops, Kitty, and Rouge all looking at me with wide eyes.

  I hugged James.He didn't hug me back but when I was going to pull away his big strong arms wrapped around me.

  James is 6'2" while I'm 5'8" that is way he had put his head on my shoulder.His grip on me was a death grip,as if he were to let go I would be gone forever but never would I do that again.

  When he pulled away I ran to the others and hugged them as well.For some reason I was always so special because I was able to hug Rouge and not get affected.

  When I came to hug Kitty,she had me in such a tight hug that I had to remind her that people need to breath to survive.She giggled a bit before pulling away.Tears running down her cheek.

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