Chapter 3-Ya Found Me

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3rd Person POV
  Nightfall had finally reached New York City.The Avengers were making a plan and suiting up to get the mysterious teen.None of them knew what she was capable of or if she was hostel for that fact but none of the less they wanted to get her.

  The plan to get this girl didn't require many people.Cap and Widow were going to wait outside of her apartment.Hawkeye was across the street perched on the roof bow and arrow ready just in case the girl would run.Ironman was up in the sky flying around.Thor was on a building to the left of the teens.Bruce,Loki,and Bucky had stayed behind seeing that they didn't really need too many people.

Kristina's POV
  Finally it was night time!I had gotten board of the shows and movies playing so I started to practice some skills that I've learned over my years with other special people.

  Looking at my phone the time read 21:37 or 9:37 p.m.I walked up and opened my door wide letting whoever was going to come get me now that I welcome them but I doubt they would just walk in here.Whoever was coming would probably think that this is a trap.

  Nonetheless I left it open and walked back to my purple couch.I must have sat there for 2-6 minutes before hearing the Thump sound on the roof building beside me.

  From the corner of my right eye I found a certain Norse God standing on the roof,hammer in hand looking at my building and I,for once,was happy that my blinds were closed so I could see him but he couldn't see me.

  Took them long enough.My apartment,the whole building,was quite and that was better.I could hear the faint breath of two people outside in the hallway.The almost silent whispers of them talking with their teammates about the plan or why my door is open.

  I waited two minutes before speaking up."You guys can enter.You know that right?"Silence."It's rude to not speak back ya know."Silence once more.

  Sighing,I block out all sounds and focus on what's going one outside.I could hear the sound of rockets above my building.Ironman.

  Smirking I look at the door."I know for a fact that Thor is outside on the roof on the building beside me.Ironman is above my building flying around but has stopped and is hovering because he's listening onto how I knew what he is doing and now he's trying to think of something else but is failing.Cap and Widow are the two people outside in the hallway.Bruce is back at the Tower listening on and here's my favorite part.Hawkeye is on the roof of the building across from mine,perched on the edge but hidden in the shadows where he has his bow and a electrocuted net arrow ready to fire at me if I try to run.And he's been moving side to side watching the front door and alley ways and would some times look at the roof cause he doesn't trust Tony or Thor."Complete silence.

  I smirked.Me,Kristina,had caught them all off guard.My best guess is that their all questioning on how I easily knew their plan but to be absolutely fair,it was obvious from the start.

  "Look I've got a life and all so I'm going to walk to Cap and Widow and don't worry I don't carry around weapons."I got off the couch and walked towards the open door.

I stuck out my hand and gave a thumbs up before sticking out my foot and then my head and then my whole body.

  Just like predicted,Captain America and Black Widow stood in the hallway of my apartment building.Cap had his shield up while Widow had a gun ready in hand staying a few feet back.

  "Look take me in right now.I'm not going to put up a fight or anything."Sticking out my arms I was prepared for one of them to grab me but Widow took out handcuffs and slapped them on my wrist."Really?Handcuffs."

  "Come on."She said and I pulled up my hands to show the handcuffs no longer on my wrist."How'd you take those off?"

  "Magic my dear.By the way Cap will need those keys to the cuffs."Captain America pulled up his hands to show that they were hand cuffed.

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