Chapter 14-Got Me a Suit

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3rd Person POV
As Kristina stormed out of the room everyone was silent.None of them had expected for her to say she thought about suicide.She seemed to have an awesome life but maybe they all thought that because of the things she's said.

None of them really knew her other than her background story and the ways she's happy,hyper,and is sarcastic.That's all they really knew but they didn't really know the real Kristina

They don't know her favorite things.Her likes and dislikes.And none of them even knew she thought about suicide.For some reasons they all felt sorry for her.

None of them really grasped onto the thought that Kristina was left alone at the age of 5 and lived on her own for 2 year.She was small and anything could happen in 2 years.Especially to a little girl like she once was.

After a while of silence Natasha was the first to speak."I think we should just give her some time.Tony get her some ice cream but leave it at her door,knock and then leave.She'll probably want to be alone."He nodded wordlessly.Even the great snarky Tony was silent.That was a very rare thing.

"Let's look at these files and flash drive while Kristina cools off."Clint said and they all got to work without speaking.

Bruce and Tony,when he got back,looked through the flash drive.Nat,Clint,and Thor all looked through one set of files while Steve,Bucky,and Loki all looked through another pile.None had spoken a word.

Down in Kristina's 'room' she had took the bucket of ice cream and was glad that whoever brought it left it on the floor instead of waiting at the door.

She didn't want to talk with people.Kris had taken the ice cream,locked her door,sat on the bed,wrapped herself in a blanket and turned on a movie.She ate and cried but watched.

The Avengers looked through all the files carefully.One file,founded by Loki,was filled with HYDRA bases near the area.

"Maybe we should hit those ones tomorrow.Bring Kristina along as well."The red head assassin suggested while looking through a file.

"Why would we bring Kat?"Tony asked while taking a swig of his drink.

"So she can blow off some steam."She said."That and if she's really going to be an Avenger then we should start bringing her on missions."

"Ok but she'll need a suit."Tony started to think of ideas and though he would sketch them,show them to Kristina and see which one she'll want.

"Be sure she'll like it Stark."Steve said eyeing the billionaire.He was just didn't want Stark to make Kris a suit that would show a lot of her skin or make her look ridiculous.He wanted her alive cause he had a small crush on the girl.

"Will do Captain Crunch."Tony smirked at the name but Steve just shook his head before continuing to look through the files.

Kris's POV:3:39 a.m(Don't judge me)
I had finished the ice cream and all the movies.I finally felt cooled down and decided to check on the guys to say sorry or to wrap them in blankets since it was 2:39 in the morning.

Leaving my room and into the elevator I started to come up with apologies.I scolded myself for using the 'How do astronauts say sorry?They Apollo-gise!'joke some time during this week or last.

The metal doors open and I step out and into the living room to find everyone wide awake.

"What the hell are you guys doing awake at 3:30 almost 3:40 in the morning?!"All heads turned towards me.

"What are you doing awake?"Tony shot back.I walked towards them.

"I'm always awake this late.I believe I'm nocturnal.But what are you guys doing awake?"I looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

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