Chapter 29-Who's the new Pet

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Kristina's POV
Late at night Steve had gone to a pet story to get a collar and harness like he had said that morning.When he came back I was in a small red ball sleeping on his bed,best part is his bed still felt like a big marshmallow cloud.

When Steve had entered the room he had put the collar/harness on the coffee table and told me that he would put it on tomorrow,when I would go on a run with him and Bucky.

Now it's 5 in the morning,Steve is already and prepped while I'm sitting on my ass watching him walk back and forth.Now the funny thing is when I was small I used to wonder what animal or pets would think and how they would see things and now me being an actual fox I can now see and feel what animals or pets feel on a regularly daily basis.

"Blur,come here girl."Once again he was talking to me like I'm some baby.Can he not tell that the size I am right now indicates that I'm a full grown female red fox!But I still obeyed by hopping off the bed and into the wooden floor."Ready for that run?"My flurry black and red tail wagged,making him smile.

Steve grabbed the harness where he put it on me.It was like a dog harness,Maybe it is.He could have just grabbed a random one and then come back here.Still a harness was a harness and it was a bit weird to have something around my neck,under my belly,and around my waist.

"Good girl."Steve then grabbed the leash and attached the end to a little hoop on the harness and wrapped another part around his hand."Lets go."We both walked towards the door and he made sure no one was around before we proceed towards the elevator.

Steve pressed the down button and right as the elevator opened Bucky came out of his room with a smile on his face.

"Your bringing her along?"

"She does need her exercise."Yes I do need my exercise but I also don't want to stay in a room all day so let's get this show on the road boys.

All three of us entered the elevator and rode down in silence.I sat between Bucky and Steve and my head reached just a bit above Steve's knees but they were both still huge to me.

Mid-way while riding the elevator stopped on a floor.Steve pushed me behind him and Bucky along with hiding the leash.I tried my best to hide behind both men since I didn't want to go to a zoo nor animal shelter.

"Hey Bruce what are you doing up so early in the morning?"Taking a quick peek I find Bruce entering the elevator coffee in hand.

"Couldn't sleep well so decided to get an early start today."He pressed the button to Lab #1 but when the elevator closed it kept going down."What are you guys doing up so early in the morning?"

"We are going out for a run."Bucky said and I could see Bruce looking a bit suspicious.

"Is everything alright with the two of you?You both seem... different."Both men shook they're head.They are terrible when it comes to lying.How did they ever get into the military!

"It's nothing."Steve started."Kris is going to be gone for a whole week or more and it tends to get quite around here without her."Awww,thanks Steve.

"Really?"Bruce asked in disbelief."So what are you hiding behind your back?"

"What are you talking about?"Bucky said in a very calm and confused tone.

"I may not be a super spy or anything but by the way you two are close together and Steve has one arm behind his back gives me the suspicion that you are both hiding something."Neither one of the super soldiers did or say anything so I made my own move.

Poking my red head out I look up at Bruce and he looked down at me,with wide eyes.Moving out a bit further I could hear Steve groan a bit but I ignored him as I kept moving towards Bruce.

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