Chapter 31-It's More Deeper Than You Think

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Kristina's POV
  For the past three days I've been either a)roaming around the tower b)staying by Steve's side c)walking around with the others d)sitting around or sleeping or e)staying around Tony.He's the only one out of everyone who doesn't seem that comfortable with me around.

  Every time I try to get near him or walk around with him,he'll always find a way to lose me or lock me out.I don't even know what I did.It would sadden me a bit and for the rest of the day I would be sad.The part of me that is fox is always happy to be around people and get attention and when Tony shuts me out that just puts the fox side of me in a sad mood.It strange really,I don't know if this happens when I'm in fox form or if this will happen when I'm a person but it's really changing me.

  Who knew that this is how dogs and cats and other pets feel whenever someone they like or their owner doesn't really want company or just push away their pets.It was really bumming me out and I don't even know why?!This whole thing made me frustrated and it feels like me and the fox side are slowly forming into one whole and soon I'm going to have some characteristics of a fox.Like the emotion train I'm on whenever Tony pushes me out,that's one great example.

  But that's also what scares me.The fox and me becoming into one whole.I know that people out there in the world and kids would always dream of being a hero by having powers and stuff like that.But if they were to have a situation like me,where I was once an unfinished experiment and the cause of that was my parents they would be rethinking their whole view on the whole superhero thing.

  And the sad thing is even SHIELD and any superhero I've met don't now my true true origin story.Sure I've told the Avengers about my life but I never told them what I did in those two years of being alone and walking the grounds of New York.They don't know what I've done with other heroes and some of those things still haunt me even when I don't show it.

  Me being this fox is giving me this different point of view.To some people they would be asking 'How the hell is being a fox giving you a different point of view of your life?'And the honest answer is I don't know.My mind works in mysterious ways that even I don't know how it fully works.

  But me being a fox is just giving me second thoughts about my whole world.Over the course of these three past days I've stuck around almost every Avenger and surprisingly they spoke with me.Seeing in their eyes that I was just some animal that didn't understand what they said,they spoke their hearts out.Secrets that were buried so deep rises to the surface as they had all told me thing that they haven't even told family or closest friends.It was surprising really,as I compared my life to theirs.

  They had all gone through so hard crap but which superhero hasn't?Deadpool was experimented on and the building he was in burned and fell to ashes but he survived.Sure his face was...different but he still became an anti-hero.Doctor Strange is another example.He was the best Doctor out there but when in an accident and his fingers all messed up he still went to some place I forgot the name of and learned about the Sorceress Supreme and where he leaned how to do magic.And by the end of his fight he was given a choice to either stay as a hero or to go back into being a Doctor where he could use magic to make his fingers alright,yet he chose to be a hero instead.

  These heroes have been through some hard crap and here I am saying that my parents experimented on me till the age of 5,then they left me alone without putting me into foster care.I had lived alone on the streets of New York for two years before helping a kid who turned to be my best friend but also an older brother figure.Where I then learn for all kinds of heroes only to fake my death to keep those I love safe.I've said in my mind that my life was fucked up but now after hearing Bucky's,Loki's,even Nat's darkest secrets I see that my life - my back story - is nothing compared to what theses guys have faced over their time.Over their time to becoming heroes or villains.

  So when I say that being as a fox changed my point of view on not only on myself but on my teammates as well,I'm not even joking around.Maybe when this whole fox thing is over and maybe some other crap in the future I might just join being a SHIELD Agent like Nat and Clint.And I know that when I'm being interviewed for why I want to work for SHIELD I'll tell them the real reason,and along with my real history.Because for fucks stakes I know that my family tree was a rather evil one and that I had erased all information on them.That was one of my biggest secrets I've ever had locked up in me.

  That's right ladies and gentlemen,I Kristina Webb haven't told the true about my history or my family.The Webb family has actually had a real fucked up history from the beginning of World War I to now a days.And me being the selfish person I am I had erased and locked it all away.There was a reason why Fury couldn't find anything about my family,it was because I had erased it all.From technology to books to papers.

  So what was the point to this whole rambling thing in my head?The point was that maybe being an experiment wasn't all that bad.Sure there were bumps along the road but I didn't stop,I kept pushing forward.Not wanting to stop when I clearly wanted to.But this experience of being a fox,with everyone spilling their hearts and secrets out towards me shows to me that everything that has happened to me was done for a reason.Maybe it was to make me stronger.Maybe it was to make me more independent.Maybe it was to learn more about others in the world and their backgrounds.Whatever reason all these things have happened to me,it all happened for a reason.


Sorry for the short chapter but hope you guys like it.I got really emotional if you didn't read the note on the last chapter.So I made this chapter that reveals a bit more about Kristina and her secrets as well.I wanted to put in something that makes it where you all think you've got her down but more secrets unfold and your left kinda in mystery.

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