Chapter 9-Found Something

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3rd Person POV
  Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were the first to wake up.They had woken up early around 5 or 6 in the morning.

  They had started their day with a nice run around Central Park before going back to the tower and working on combat with and without weapons.It used to be just Steve Rogers but now that his best friend and only family was alive and with him,it was the two of them working out together.

  Next Natasha Romanova and Clint Barton had woken up next.They ate a balanced breakfast before going straight into training.This was their regular routine.Wake up,eat,train,take a break,train,eat,then take a break for the rest of the day.It was simple and kept them on their toes.

  Then woke up Bruce and Tony.Bruce in his bed and Tony waking up in his lab with messy papers flying everywhere when he woke up suddenly.

  Bruce woke,changed,ate,and then went towards his lab where he worked for a few solid hours before stopping and taking a break to rest and eat.

  Tony would continue to work while drinking,then he would actually eat something before returning to his lab and then take a break after to drink and then social.

  Loki and Thor would be the lasts ones up and sometimes they would be the first ones up.They woke,ate,fought,ate,slept.

  Then there was Kristina.She fell asleep at 2 in the morning and won't wake up until later in the afternoon.That is unless someone wakes her up.

  "Hey do you know where Kris is?"Steve asked Bucky as they ate breakfast.

  Bucky shook his head."No.Last I saw from her was yesterday at night."

  "Wonder what time she fell asleep at?"Steve said under his breath but Bucky had heard it.

  "Maybe we should check on her."He suggested."To make sure she's not getting herself in trouble."Steve thought about it before agreeing.That girl did seem to like causing trouble.

  They both left the main floor and to Kris's 'room'.When the doors of the elevator opened they walked out and to her room.

  Both men stood there neither one of them knew who to knock on her door so Bucky did a light knock before opening the door slightly.

  When he saw that the blinds were still closed Bucky opened the door some more before him and Steve walked inside the dimly lit room.

  The only source of light were the hallway lights.Other than that is was dark inside the room.

  On the bed they could make out a lump shape.Steve walked closer and signalled for Bucky to follow him,so he did.

  They both stood in front of Kris's sleeping face.She seemed more relaxed and calm.Something that she didn't show much,she mostly shows happiness with jokes but never had anyone seen her relaxed and calm.

  Her red hair seemed to glow a bit but that could have been a light trick from the hallway lights.

  "What are you doing in my room?"She said with her eyes still closed.Both men didn't say anything hoping that she was sleep talking."I'm not sleep talking.So why are you in my room?"

  Bucky scratched the back of his neck."Um...we just wanted to make sure you were ok."Kristina opened her brown eyes and eyed them both.

  "Really?So you couldn't just look through the door and see a lump and then think it was me."This time Steve answered.

  "In our defence that lump could have been a bunch of pillows to make it seem like a person."She rolled her brown eyes at the two men standing in front of her.

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