Chapter 27-Tower Sweet Tower

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Kristina's POV
"And touch down."I said right as Toshy landed the jet on the helipad.The hanger door opens to the place I call home."Tower Sweet Tower."I then looked at Tony."You should make a door mat that says that."

"I'll think about that."Although I knew he had already thrown away that idea.

As they were all grabbing their suitcases I just grabbed my small backpack and larger bag that held my suit.

"I'm going to my floor so just call if you need me.Peace!"Walking into the living room and then into the hallway towards the already open elevator.

I pressed the button to my floor and soon enough it opens to my floor.I walked out and into my room where I would change into some shorts and shirt.

After changing I walked across towards the forest room.Professor had told me to run around in the forest from time to time,especially since I have fox genes in me making me more to like the outside,but mostly the forest.I had protested in going to the forest since I could step on someone or an animal.He had agreed that I'll do it at the tower but as long as I have the sensation of being outside.

Taking one deep breath in and out I run out into a sprint.Jumping over fall branches and late rocks,I felt alive.Like the first mission I had down with the Avengers.Maybe I should go in this room everyday.Twice.It was suggestion that I immediately agreed upon.

Who knows how long I've been running.To me it felt like a few mere minutes but I have been told that minutes to me is hours to others.The amazing things was I haven't sweated once or feel tired.My lungs didn't burn,my feet didn't feel sore or painful,to my body if felt like I've been walking around this whole time.

"Hey JARVIS what time is it?"I asked while running,that was also something I could do:Multitask.

"It is 3:37 in the afternoon ma'am."I snorted once as he called me 'ma'am'.

"Thank you JARVIS."

"I live to serve."Leave it up to Tony to make a sarcastic British robotic AI.

  Up ahead was the door so I ran towards that since I've been running for three hours already.Once out of the forest room and in the hallway,I made my way towards my room to shower even though I wasn't sweating I didn't want to smell bad.

After my shower I had changed into a pair of shorts,baggy shirt,and a Star Labs hoodie.Something I got during my time with Berry Allen.

While leaving the walk-in closet my touch senses were tingling.A smile formed on my smile,knowing all too well who was in my room.A certain web head slinger.

"I was wondering where you've been this whole time?"Walking out of the walk-in closet Peter was sitting criss crossed on my bed.

  "And I was going to ask you the same thing."He remarked and I rolled my green and blue eye sat him."I also see that something's have...changed."Peter looked me right in the eye.

  "What do you know so far?"I took a seat across from,as well as sit cross cross.

  "Last I remember you went on a forest mission."My green and blue eyes widen.That was a long time ago.Has it been that long since I've seen him?"Yes it has been a long time since you've seen me."It took a sec or two to register that what I was thinking was said out loud.

  "Well,"I started off."I'll give you the shorter version of what's happened so far.I succeeded the mission,Tony called Fantastic 4 and they under stood why I faked my death,got kidnapped,went through hell for a week,escaped with new abilities along with a power,healed up a bit,senses were hyped up,went back to the X-Men and explained everything to them,Professor X helped me train in my senses and power,came back here and the rest you already know of."When finished Web Head started at me with shock,horror,and pity.

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