Chapter 26-Nailed It

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Kristina's POV
For the five days I have been working and improving my senses and compulsion power.For the past five days I've been hanging around with a few mutants as well with the Avengers.For the past five days the Avengers have been training with other mutants and that made me happy.To see that both teams can work together and be good friends.

Professor X has been helping me a lot with my compulsion power.On the second day my touch senses were hyped up.I had woken up and felt everything around me.Even the mutants could be felt without me even touching them.

On the forth day my smell sense was hyped up.The only way I figured that out was when passing the cafeteria and passing the training room.That sense took a bit longer to master and I had to keep my distance from everyone since they all smelled either good or bad.

  Now on my fifth day I've done my daily training,which requires me to do upper and lower body work.As well as tracing with the new senses and learns by how to use the new senses:Taste.

  Now I sit on my bed reading a book about some magic spells.That book was a birthday gift from Doctor Strange.Honestly I really did like the book,and reading it again helps me remember so useful spells that I could use later in combat.

  The sound of footsteps and the smell of mint and sweat brought me out of my book.Thats the one cool thing about the hyped up senses,I would know whenever someone is near even if they're far away.

  A few seconds later there was a knock at my door.Putting the magic spell book down,a smile formed itself on my face."Come in."

  The door opens to reveal a certain blonde haired,blue eyed super solider."Hey."He said and I could tell that he was nervous.

  Ever since I had told them all of what they meant to me as a family,and I had said that Steve was someone special,he's been acting weird around me.

  Example A:He always plays around with something.Either it's the end of his shirt to sleeves,he's fumbling or playing around with it.Honestly it makes him really cute.

  Example B:Steve would sometimes stutter when speaking.Even when I sit down with him and the others to talk he'll start to stutter.That too makes him cute.

Example C:Right know he's slowly walking into my room.He's playing around with his hands and pulling at the sleeves as well.And he doesn't make eye contact.

  "What you need Steve?"I for one kept my cool.I liked him,that was for sure,but I was 19 and he was 98 or something around the 90's.But I had been once told that "Love has no age limit."

  "Since this is the last day I was w-wondering if you wanted to walk around the school with me.Maybe you can show me a few things but that's if you w-what to."My cheeks felt hot and I knew that was blushing.

  "Sure just let me change.Close the door on your way out."He left while closing the door behind him and I couldn't help myself but smile.

  I changed into a black skirt,knee high black and red stripped socks,black and blue stripped long sleeve shirt,and some boots.My red hair was left down but off to the side.

  Opening the door I find Steve leaning against the door."Ready to go?"He looked at me and nodded once.

  Grabbing his hand I guide him out of the school and outside towards the forest.While walking he had asked me where we were off to but my only response was,"It's a secret."From then on he was silent and followed along with me.

  Up ahead there was a dirt path that led to a pretty part of the forest but we went left.There were a bunch of bushes which we both easily passed by.

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