Chapter 2-Can't Find Me

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3rd Person POV
  It was Friday.January 2,2014.Tony Stark had done an all nighter finding the mysterious red head teen.He had this gut feeling that she was more than a savor to him and he wanted to know why.

  Steven Grant Rogers,A.K.A Captain America.Found Tony in his lab sleeping.It was just like Tony.To stay up all night to finish a new project or find new ways to make a better Ironman suit,and it always ended with him sleeping in his lab.

  Rolling his eyes,Steve walked up to Tony and shook him awake.The only reason he woke up Tony was so the billionaire's neck wouldn't hurt later when he's fully awake.

  "Tony."He said shaking Stark but he simply did not wake up."Tony wake up.Tony.Tony wake up."The blonde haired man tried over and over but nothing seemed to work.

  There was a beep,that caused Tony to wake up immediately and look at the screen.He didn't see the Captain standing beside him,looking at him and the screen with curiosity.

  "What'd you doing Tony?"Steve said making Tony jump in his chair then proceeding to glare at him for a second before his eyes were once again glued to the screen.

  "I'm looking up someone but they seem to be like a ghost.Even in SHIELD."That surprised Steve.Nobody was a ghost in SHIELD files.SHIELD knew everything about everyone,even their deepest secrets.

  "Who you looking for."He asked,now interested on this 'ghost' of a person.

  "Last night I almost got run over by a car.A red head teen had pushed me out of the way and the next thing that happens is the teen on the other side,breathing hard while the car zoomed away."Tony explained while typing furiously away on the holographic computer.

  Captain on the other hand seemed shocked."You almost got run over and you care about a girl who saved you?"He had to admit that he was glad the teen had saved Stark's life but Stark himself searching for this red head didn't add up.

  "Yes I care about the girl.She somehow dodged the car without a single scratch on her.She somehow knew a car was coming after me and ran to save me instead of calling out my name to tell me that a car was coming.She's...special."With that said he went silent,ignoring the questions that Capcicle through at him.


  At 2 in the afternoon,Tony had called a team meeting.Him, Capcicle, Legolas, Nat,
Brucie, Goldy Locks, Rock of Ages, and Frosty were all gathered in the meeting room.In other words,him Steve, Clint, Nat, Bruce, Thor, Loki, and Bucky were all in the meeting room.

  All 7 of them sat in the leather chairs waiting for what Tony had to say.The meeting room had a circular table.On the left side held Bucky, Steve, and Bruce while on the right sat Clint, Nat, Thor, and Loki. Tony stood at the far end of the table.

  "Why'd you call us over Tony?"Natasha had said,she was having a good time training and wanted to resume to it.

  He smirked at her."I have called you all her for this."He clicked a button,the room dimmed,the TV turned on the show last night.

  It showed the red head teen push Stark out of the way and then her on the other side of the car getting up for her crouch position while the black car zoomed away.The video paused and the lights came back on.

  "You almost got run over."Nat said glaring at the billionaire.

  "That's not the point."Tony said."The point is she dodged a car and didn't get a scratch on her.I was able to get a piece of her clothes and when I arrived at the tower yesterday I went to find out how she was."He pressed another button to show a very thin file.

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