Chapter 20-It All Clicks Into Place

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Kristina's POV
   The sound of something beeping was starting to get really annoying.At first I thought it was my alarm clock but then stopped myself to remember that I had fainted in Bucky's arms.

  Slowly I peeled my eyes open and thank whoever left the lights to a dim setting because if the room were to be bright I might have been blinded.

  My eyes scan around and I get the idea I'm in a hospital.Slowly getting up I find myself in a gown.

  Looking around the room I find the others all asleep.Clint and Nat resting on each other while in chairs.Loki's head rested at the foot of the bed. Tony, Bucky, Steve, and Bruce at both sides of the bed.Thor was sitting on a chair,elbow propped up and his head resting on it.

  I moved around but hissed in pain as my left side hurt.Must have been one of the kicks Pierce gave me.I held that spot and then felt arms wrapped themselves around me.

  First instincts is to flip the person over which I did but regretted it cause it was Bucky.And because of his big crash the others woke up as well.I didn't mean to wake them up.

They all watched me,as if I'm a breakable vase.Would you stop looking at me like that and one of you please do something!I watched as they all rushed towards me and gave me a big ass hug.

I winced in pain when a hand rested right where it hurts on my side.Whoever it was pulled away and so did the others.It was then that I realise that the stupid cuffs and muzzle are off.

"Kris,"I looked over at Bruce who seemed to be a bit happy."Your going to need to take it slow.You have a few broken ribs,bruises,and a few scars.Do you need anything?"I just stared at him,debating wether or not to use compulsion.

"Kat are you ok?"Tony asked and from the looks of it he seemed more worried than anyone else here.

I shook me head."Just tell us what's wrong and the two scientists will help you out."Bucky suggested but that wouldn't work so well.My voice is gone.

I pointed to my throat hoping that one of them would get it and luckily Toshy caught on to what I was saying.

"You lost your voice?"I nodded my head."How?"I gave a 'Really' face.

I'm so going to hate myself for doing this.I look over at Tony.Get me a working pen and notepad please.He nodded and walked around the lab before handing me the two things.

Questions?I wrote down and showed it to them.It took them a minute before Loki was the first to ask.Thank you Loki I can't stand silence anymore.

"Why the hands cuffs and muzzle?"I smiled a bit before writing on the notepad.It was quite a bit but still.

When an Agent had opened the trunk and pushed me out I saw Alexanjerk waiting out there for me.So when I had the chance I used a blinding spell and ran for it.Sadly they had a Plan B which was just a dude who tackled me to the ground.That's why I had to stupid muzzle on.The reason for the Elsa like hand cuffs was for my fighting skills.Regular cuffs I would have been able to break free from but the one they had on me,those were hard to get rid of.Especially the fact that my hands couldn't really touch anything.

"What happened to you?"Steve asked."I mean how'd you get all those bruises and scars."

Bruce you might not like what I have to write.I showed it to him and gladly enough he left the room but I could tell he was waiting outside.On Day 1 three Agents had taken me to a room where I was pushed and strapped to the chair.They had left and a Doctor and two Nurses came in.That fucking Doctor injected some crap into me before cutting into my flesh.Thats why I have those stitches and scars.But when he released my two feet I kicked him in the guy spot.A nurse had taken out her gun and shot at me but I held up my cuffed hands and the bullet when straight through the chain that was tying me to the chair.In the end I beat their asses and when then put into torture.It was for being 'disobedient' but for not joining HYDRA.Thats actually how the days went.Me waking up from fainting,taken to the fucking lab,experimented on,taken to be asked the same fucking question,then tortured in various ways,then fainting only to wake up the next day to repeat.

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