Chapter 17-This Is Not Good

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Kris's POV
It's a lovely Saturday evening.The weather is sunny with a slight nice breeze.Not that many people walking around the streets due to it being the weekend and them all being lazy asses and staying home.

But then there was me who was stuck in Stark Tower listening to music and occasionally spending my time in the cool looking gym.Must say,Tony did do a nice job on the whole floor.It really matched my personality.

Here I sat on the brown L shaped couch continuing Six Months Later.It was so good how the main character goes from one month to six later and doesn't remember anything about the last six months.

I stopped at chapter 9.Looking at the window wall to the right it seemed like a really nice day.Maybe I can go out to Central Park.Agreeing with myself I set my book on the table and walk towards the elevator.

"JARVIS can you take me to Toshy or Katniss."He responded with a "Yes ma'am".The doors close and a few moments later they re-open.

"They are both training."JARVIS said,Should have guessed.

I open the door to find an arrow coming my way.Ducking down at the last minute Katniss and Toshy both stop their training and look at me with crazy eyes.

"You ok?"Clint asked while I took the arrow off the wall.

"Other than having an arrow almost stuck into my skull,I'll say my day has been fine so far.What about yours?"He just chuckled at me.

"There must be a reason why you came here so spill."Toshy said while taking a gulp of some green liquid.What is in that?

Shaking my head I look at them with a smile."I was going to say that I'm going to Central Park."

"Why would you tell us?"

"Because,"I said like the answer was obvious."If I went without telling any of you,then you would all freak out and then get pissed off at me,blah,blah,blah."She just smiled at me.

"Be safe and bring a weapon just in case."Turning around I walk towards the door."Don't forget about that weapon!"

I waved my hand in the arm showing the black dagger that was hidden under my grey jacket."Got it!"


I made the right choice by coming here,I thought to myself while walking around Central Park observing everyone and their reactions to things.

There were little kids and parents walking around,taking a picnic,or playing around with their friends.It made me a bit sad that these kids had parents who would stay with their kids and support them.

The thought left my head as fast as it first came in.I had a awesome life.Meeting superhero after superhero and learning new things.Parents are over rated as well.I left that thought and started to play my little predict game.

I played for 15 minutes but stopped when I looked at one person.It was a man who was dressed in casual clothes but what made him different from the other people was he had a scar on his head.

"You've grow my little fox."A male voice said."Don't turn around or else."Instead I turned my head sightly to the left and looked down but couldn't really see the person.

"And who might you be?"My right hand held the dagger while my left was holding my phone.

"You shall refer me as Boss."'Boss' was breathing down my neck and I could smell his breath was minty.He's professional.

"Boss?"I questioned."Last time I checked I never had a person who cared for me nor made me call them 'Boss' so you either say your real name or I just call you Duche."

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