Chapter 4-Love Bonds Family

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Kris's POV
(That's her nickname BTW)
  So instead of getting a room or cell I got both.It was a single room.One bed with a TV,and bathroom,along with some clothes.But the difference was they fact that there were cameras 'hidden' all throughout the room.

  The idea of cameras in this place made me feel a bit worried because Tony is known be to a player and he could be watching me change or shower anytime and that really bothers me but if I were to show that they would use it against me.

  So here I sat on the comfortable black bed looking up at the white ceiling letting my mind wonder to all that's happened in two day.Letting my mind wonder happens a lot after spending time with Wade Wilson a.k.a Deadpool.

  My mind thought about what Peter would think.He was the only family I had after my parent just up and left me behind.

F L A S H    B A C K
  A small 7 year old red head walks the streets of New York.It was getting around to mid-night but this little red head didn't sleep,she did't feel sleepy.She didn't know why but she just didn't want to sleep.

  Instead she walked around New York City.Observed everyone that passed her.She observed their reactions to good and bad news.She observed their actions and what they say to another.

  This little girl learned to do this when she was barely 2 years old from her now missing parents.She didn't try to go into a adoption,she wanted to venture out into the world and so far she didn't regret it.

  Down the street was two older looking kids and they were beating up a smaller looking kid with glasses.She was never been bullied but she hated them.She hated when people watched but did nothing to help.

She ran down the street and stopped a few feet away from the bullies."Hey!"Her little voice caught their attention."Leave him alone."

  The blonde haired kid laughed at her."And what are you going to do.Little girl."That made her blood boil.She hated how people think that just because she's a girl she can't fight.

"That's it you asked for it."The two boys kept laughing but immediately started to groan when the little red head kicked them where the sun don't shine.

  While they were on the floor the little red head ran to the boy with glasses and helped him up before gripping his hand and running down the street away from the two bullies.

  When they were a good distance the little 7 year old let go of his hand and caught her breath,he did the same.They stood there for quite some time before the boy with glasses caught his breath.

"Why'd you do that?Now they're going to bully you."The girl shrugged her shoulders.

  "I hate seeing bullies and how no one does anything to stop it.That and the fact that he needed to be stopped.You've got to learn how to stand for yourself."The little boy shook his head.

  "No.If I stand up for myself then they'll keep on bulling me."He pushed up his glasses and it was then that the girl saw he had blue eyes.

  "Well one day your going to."They stood there looking at one another before she spoke again."I better get going.See ya around kid."

She turned around but the boy placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her from walking away."Do you have parents?"She froze on the spot.The little red head didn't want to go into a foster home,she wanted to explore the world.

"Yes."But the boy knew it was a lie.

"That's a lie.You don't have parents do you?"She shook her head."If you want,you can stay with me,Aunt May,and Uncle Ben."The girl turned and looked at him,tears threading to escape her eyes.

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