Chapter 10-Not Normal

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Kristina's POV
  "I don't feel very comfortable with these on."I said moving my arms that'd wires connected to them.

  "Well we need to see how your body works when your running."Tony said while putting two more wires on my chest.

  "Why can't I just run without the wires?"

  "Because,"He said obviously annoyed of my whining."If you ran for 37 miles in three hours then something else is working in your body."I huffed as he stepped back."You can adjust the speed how ever high you want."He walked out of the room and I rolled my eyes.

  I started off with a walk that then turned into a light jog which then turned into a run and that run turned into a full on sprint.Odd enough I didn't feel tired,my legs weren't sore,it feels like I'm not sweating at all

  I ran for an two hours and a half before getting bored and just stopping the treadmill.Tony came in the room along with Bruce."Did you get tired?"I shook my head.

  "Just got bored.So...did you get anything from that?"He nods his head.

  "Your body kept cool the entire time,that's why you weren't sweating at all.It also seemed that in your blood there's this extra chemical that is new.It seemed to keep you pumped up and ready."

  I rose an eyebrow."What exactly does that mean?"

  "It means,"Bruce said."That the chemical keeps your moving.It's like your running all the time and when you do run your running becomes more quicker cause of the chemical."I let that all sink in.

  "So I'm always running inside my body and when I do run its three times as quick making it harder for me to tire and to sweat?"They both nodded their heads."Cool."

  "There could be other thing that the chemical did in your body.We're going to need you to do more tests."I groaned at Tony.

  "More tests?!But I don't even like tests."

  He chuckled."Come on Kat."I started to walk but then stopped and looked at him .

  "Did you just call me Kat?"

  Tony nods his head."Kat spelled with a K."

  "Why would you ever call me Kat?"

  "Cause Kris was taken and I wanted to come up with an original nickname so your Kat with a K."I didn't even bother with arguing with him.

  "Whatever."Him and Bruce took me to the training rom but what was different was there were loads of Gymnastics things."You want me to do gymnastics?"

  "Like we said,"Bruce said while walking to a separate watching room."We don't know what that chemical did to you."

  I groaned but walked towards the gymnastics equipment.Taking off my shoes and socks I looked at all before closing to do the parallel bars first.

  I grabbed both sides of the bar and swung my feet and when I had enough air I swung myself in the air did a front flip and landed on the a single bar,on both feet.That was fun.

  In front of me were two rings.I wonder...Smirking once I ran on the single thin bar and jumped at the end.My hands got a hold of the rings and it swung forward but then settled down once more.

  I pushed myself up and then back down before pushing myself up but then going upside down so my head was looking down at the floor while my feet were up towards the ceiling of the training room.

  In front of the rings was a horizontal bar.Swinging myself,still upside down,I threw myself int he air.Did two flips mid-air and got hold of the horizontal bar where I did two full spins before stopping myself.

  I did some more turns with one hand and then both hands and some flips as well.I swung myself in the air once more where I jumped on this triangle shaped thing that made me bounce more n the air but I did a hand stand on the fault before pushing myself off the vault,dd a flip and landed perfectly on my feet.

  "Ta-da!"My breath was a bit hard but not so much."Can I do that again!"I yelled at the box where both men stood.

  "No."Said Tony through the speakers."Are you flexible?"Am I flexible.Of course I'm flexible.

  Going on the blue mat I pulled my right foot all the way up so I was basically doing the splits while standing up.

I did some more things before stopping cause I had nothing else in mind.

Tony and Bruce walked out as well as the others.My eyes went wide.Shit.They were watching.

Don't get me wrong.I don't have stage fright or anything,it just makes me more nervous when people are watching me do things.Like I said not stage fright.

"That was very impressive Lady Webb."Thor commented,a little loud if I do say so myself.

"Why thank you He-Man."Katniss and Shellhead both started to laugh.

There was a buzz and the Avengers took out their phones before looking at me and then back at their phones.I stood there rocking on the balls of my feet's waiting for them to say something.

"Kris your coming with."Steve said and I backed away.

"Why's that?"He rolled his eyes.

"There's a mission and your going to be part of it."A smile grew on my face.Awesome.


Nick Flurry was on the flat screen TV waiting to get straight into this mission and I was excited.

"Avengers."He said grabbing everyone's attention."Your mission is to get the location of a HYDRA base."

Tony rose his hand like a little 5 year old."How do we do that?"

"I was getting to that Stark."He said glaring at Tony for a second before continuing with the mission."There's going to be a Massacred Ball tomorrow and a HYDRA agent will be there and he will know the location of the base."The screen slips into two.One of Fury and another of a middle aged man with brown short hair and blue eyes.

"Daniel Masco.This is the man your looking for.The way to get the HYDRA base is by getting into his room.And luckily he'll be holding his own Massacred Ball the very next day."

"Who's going to get the invite?"Bruce asked and I swear Fury looked at me for a mila-second.

"It's been told that Masco likes red heads."He smirked and all eyes went to me.

I looked over at Toshy."Well Toshy have fun at that ball."I turned away to leave but a hand was placed on my shoulder preventing me to leave.

"Oh no you don't Kat."Damn it Tony!"We all know Fury was talking about you."I turned around.

"Why me?Toshy is so much more skilled than me?"Fury said an answer faster than Tony.

"Because this HYDRA agent will know what Agent Romanova looks likes.As for you,you are new.Also this is to proven if your a really good agent."I rolled my brown eyes at him.

"Fine."I said like a little kid who just lost an argument."I'll do it.Just give me the time I have to get there."

"I'll help you out with the dress,hair,and makeup."Natasha said but I shook my head.

"This ain't my first rodeo."


Sorry if short but couldn't really think.Also I'm really bad at describing gymnastics moves so if you guys saw a good picture of what Kris was doing then Yay me!

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