Chapter 30-Opps

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Kristina's POV
  My ear twitched at the sound of loud footsteps.One second it's quite and the next there are those stupid loud footsteps.Like really,who steps that loud?!It was getting to the point where I just wanted to leave this room and go to my floor.

  No matter how hard I tried sleep just wouldn't come back.So instead of trying to fall back to sleep I got up from my little ball and shook out my fur.I now see why pets love to do this.It feels like great.

  Steve's room was a bit dark but I could still tell where everything was.Looking around I found a alarm clock that read 5:47.Did I really sleep for five hours?Damn.Granted that this was the longest sleep I've ever had.Normally I would sleep for four or three hours or no sleep at all.

  The loud footsteps brought me back to reality.Who the hell is out there?!All I wanted to do is check out who it was but I had two problems,1)I can't open the doors with my paws and 2)The person outside could be Tony or Thor or Loki.

  Instead I went towards Steve's bathroom.No it wasn't because I needed to go,it was to check myself out.Luckily the door was a bit open so I just used my snout to open it even more.And even better was the lights automatically turned on.

  His bathroom wasn't that big but just the right size.I jumped up the toilet,onto a cabinet,then on the counter where I walked towards the sink.In front of the sink was a long length mirror and when I saw myself I looked pretty cool.

  My snout was black but once it reached my eyes the fur changed orange.My ears were up straight and the inside was fluffy white while the outside was orange at the bottom but then turned black.

  My neck,chest,and under belly were fluffy white while my body was orange but near my butt the fur turned orange/black.My tail was mostly black with a few orange spots here and there and my tail was tipped with white.My tail was also the fluffiest part out of everything.

  Looking down I find my legs an orangy black color.Looking at my fox self once more I find my eyes this greenish yellow color.I looked pretty cool.If I don't say so myself.

  My stomach rumbled a bit and it was then that I realize I haven't eaten anything.Not even fucking breakfast.How could Golden Boy forget to feed me?My stomach rumbled once more and I rolled my greenish yellow eyes.Fine,I'll try to get food.

  Jumping down to the floor and back into Steve's room the bathroom light turn off automatically.Walking towards the door I found it the slightest open,like it was so tiny that I would have missed it if I walked past it.

  Using my snout once more the door opens just a bit to find no one in the hallway.Opening some more so my whole body fits I used my smell sense but didn't smell anyone.Coast is clear.

  Leaving Steve's room I stuck to the shadows that were stuck to the wall and made my way towards the kitchen.Every few seconds I would stop and sniff just to make sure no one was around.

  A few seconds later and I was at the end of the hallway.The whole main floor seemed so much bigger.Shaking my head once I made a mad dash towards the kitchen counter and thankfully no one had come into the floor yet.

  Hiding behind the medium high counter I looked around trying to find a way to get on the counter so I could reach the top of the fridge where all the cookies where hidden in a jar.

  A stool was pushed out slightly but that was enough for me to jump up.Trotting my way over there,my nails making a Click-Clack sound,I jumped up the stool and up the counter.Luckily I was a full grown fox,otherwise it would have been a lot more difficult to get up the stool. 

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