Chapter 18-Day One of Hell

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Kristina's POV
The Agent had harshly put me on the cement floor of my new 'room'.And because of my magic use Alexanjerk put a muzzle over my mouth and handcuff that look like the ones that were used for Elsa in Frozen.

The paralysed thing wore off a few minutes ago and here I sat on the old squeaky bed.There was a small window above the bed where I could see the outside world.

My mouth and throat were both dry AF.But I knew that they won't give me water for fear that I would use that chance to cast a spell or something like that.

I wonder what the Avengers are doing?What are they doing trying to find me?Hopefully Nat and Clint got the dagger and understood it's purpose.The dagger that was used to cut Pierce wasn't a normal black dagger.

Clint had told me a while back that he had convinced Tony to make me a dagger that tracks.All he wanted me to do was how to track the people down.I had done that part by myself and hopefully they figured out how to track Pierce down.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the same Agent who brought me in here and two more Agents when they slammed open my doors but I didn't flinch or back away in fear like most people would do.All those years with heroes and they all taught me not to show any emotions and to stay as cool as ever.

"Come here or I do it forcefully."Why the hell would I go with you!You fucking brought me here!I wouldn't go anywhere with you freak 'o.But I just got up and do as told.

He leads while two more Agents stand by my sides.Guns locked and loaded but I wasn't interested in escaping yet.I was more curious of what HYDRA wanted with me.

A door opens and we walk in.There was a single chair which I was pushed into.The Agent tied my cuff to the chair.He also strapped my feet to the chair and head,which felt strange.

He left as well as the two Agents.I started to hum a random tone while looking around with my eyes since I clearly can't do it with my head.

The metal door opens once more to three people.One man who has a doctors coat on and two females who have very...exposing Nurse outfits.Cover yourself's up!And aren't you cold in this place?!

The brunette nurse brought in a cart table.On the table were needles and different Doctory stuff.My heart rate sped up at the sight of the needles and I had to force myself to look away.Don't show any weaknesses.

The HYDRA Doctor inspected me.There wasn't much though:I had black pants,a blue and white jersey,and once had a black cardigan on but that somehow was gone when I woke from the trunk.

"Needle."He said and his voice didn't sound American.But I didn't pay much focus on that when he had a needle in hand.

My brown eyes widen in fear and I scored myself cause the Doctor seemed to notice my sudden change in mood.

"Interesting."Was all he said before sticking the needle in my arm.

My vision blurred for a bit before becoming clear once more.It felt like fire racing all over my body.I screamed but they were muffled by the stupid muzzle that was over my mouth.

The pain lasted for 20 seconds before it disappeared.My chest was heaving up and down slowly,in chunks.The Doctor only smiled at me.

He grabbed a scalp and cut into my flesh.I squeezed my eyes shut but still felt the pain and ooze of my blood pouring out of my arm.

Re-opening my eyes I find the Doctor looking at more tools but gladly he left the room.My breath was hard and my blood just kept pouring out of my arm.They are so fucking going to die when I get out of here.

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