Chapter 28-You've Got to be Kidding

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Kristina's POV
My head felt incredibly dizzy.My vision blurred.My breathing was hard.And worst of all my body felt like it was on fire.My insides felt like they were being rearranged into new spots.

Not wanting any attention I found the same spot that Alexanjerk had took me to when wanting some privacy,when hidden I took off the backpack and hid it under a bush.I knew something big was going to happen with me,I just didn't know what.

My beanie fell off showing the red fox ears and my tail moved itself from behind my hoodie to out in the open.But I was glad I hid behind a tree,that even if someone were to see through the thick bushes that hid that little spot they still wouldn't be able to see me behind a tree.

This has been the worst feeling in my life.I've endured some pretty hard shit in my life but none of that compare to what I'm feeling right now.I know it has something to do with that fucking chemical,I just didn't know what it was doing to me at the moment.

I fell to my knees and my hands touched the cool feeling of the damp green grass.Tears fell from my cheeks to the green grass,never in all my life have I ever cried when I was in pain.So when the tears are falling down my cheek that means I'm in some serious pain.

But just like a person flicking a switch the pain stopped.My body no longer felt like it was on fire.My insides didn't feel like they were being rearranged.My eyes were closed but I could tell that when I opened them they would no longer be blurry.My head didn't feel dizzy.It felt like nothing ever happened but I knew all too well that something did happen.Maybe the tail and ears disappeared.

Opening my eyes I find everything to be more clearer and sharper.This is new.Looking around some more I realise that everything is taller,Or Maybe I'm shorter.I then look down to find black paws.Oh fuck no!

Standing up I was still short.Turning around I found my body was covered in red and black fur.My tail was still there and I could feel my ears as well.You've got to be kidding me right now.

Looking around I didn't find my clothes so those must have stayed in tact when shifting into a fox.My backpack was still hidden which was good since it had most of my favorite things in there.Now the real question is how do I get back to the tower?

I knew that Steve or someone other than Tony would try to keep me so I have to try to get their attention.Poking my head out of the hidden area I find that most people didn't seem to see me which was good.

I walked around in different directions to get a good feel on being on all fours.My sense were still the same which was a good thing.After 4 minutes I had finally got accustomed to the new form,I made a plan for getting back in the tower.

Poking my head out once I make a mad dash towards the next tree.That step repeated over and over till I was hiding behind the last tree.Stark Tower was just up ahead,So close yet so far.

Looking around I found a mail truck with the back open.Making sure no one was looking I made another mad dash towards the truck and jumped in.I hid behind some large boxes and soon heard the trunk close and the mail truck take off.

Looking around I read label after label of each box.I knew the team well enough to know when one of them has gotten something.That and the fact that Steve told me get got something off the internet with the help of Toshy.

After a bit more searching around I found a label that read:Steven Grant Roger.Jackpot.Using my left hand,the claws extended outwards and I used one to slice open the tape and open the box lid what my muzzle.

Carefully I made my way inside the box,which fit me just barely,and used my tail to close the lid as much as I could muster.I knew that the mail person wold re-tape it once they see that it's open so I was just praying that this person didn't look inside.

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