Chapter 12-Last Night

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Kris's POV
  I went from floor to floor looking around the floor before going back into the elevator to go onto the next floor.

  I was on my 15th floor and this one was more interesting.It was the main floor.

  Leaving the elevator I walk down the hall to find the TV on.Walking quietly towards the couch I find Bucky and Steve both asleep on the couch.This is the most cutest thing I have ever seen.Taking out my phone I took a picture.This will forever be saved.

  I remember seeing a little America Shield and a Red Star on two doors down the hallway.Must be a reminder for them.Don't blame them though,this place is huge and all the doors in one floor!It's absurd!

  I grabbed Steve's hand and carefully dragged him of the couch.Jesus is this guy heavy!But I continued to drag him along the wooden floor.That's what made it a bit easier,the wooden floor.

  When I was in front of the door with the shield I let go of Steve's hand and open the door to his room.HIs room was cool.It was had all kinds of cool things from the 70's and above.I had to shake my head to remember why I opened his door in the first place.

  Grabbing Golden Boys hand once more,I drag him into his room and somehow managed to get him on his bed.All that's left is his clothes and blanket.And no I'm not a pervert and am not going to take off all his clothes.

  I took off his shoes and socks,as well as his shirt.Holy shit.He has abs.Must look away!I pulled the blanket over him and all of a sudden he looked like a sleeping puppy.Awww!He's so cute when he's sleeping

  Leaving his room and closing the door behind me.I made my way over to Bucky who was still sound asleep on the couch.He's going to be a lot harder.But I was lucky,Bucky was a bit more lighter than Steve making it easier to drag him.

  Isn't he supposed to be a top assassin?I shook my head and opened his door.His room was more simple.Just a bed,dresser,closet,bathroom,and grey walls.Wow...very original.

  Huffing once I grabbed his good arm and dragged him to his bed.I took off his shoes,socks,and shirt just like I did with Steve.Holy shit.He has abs as well!I covered his body in the blanket and he turned out just like Steve.Ahhh!He looks like a boxer dog asleep.

  Leaving his room I turn off the TV,put away the blankets before leaving to the next floor.The elevator music played on but all I could hear was Skyscraper by Demi Lavado on my MP3 player.

  The doors open and I find myself in a lab.Cool!I left the elevator in a hurry and looked around all the cool invention and future projects and inventions.This is so cool!I kept looking from blueprint to blueprint.

  I found a table and sleeping on that table was Bruce and Tony.These people just sleep anywhere they like.They're all like cats.Although it was cute cause Bruce had his glasses on while Tony was hugging a drink.

  Huffing out once I carefully peel Bruce off the table and let him sleep on the swivel chair.Thank the Lord these can move around!I pushed Bruce towards the elevator and did the same with Tony.

  Once both men were in the elevator I squished myself in as well.I found their floors and pressed Bruce's floor first since his floor was closer.They both looked so adorable sleeping.Does everyone look cute while sleeping?

  The metal doors open and I push Bruce out."JARVIS"I whispered."Keep the elevator door open for me."

  He whispered back."Yes ma'am"I smiled at how he whispered to not wake the boys up.

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