Chapter 13-Mission Part 2

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Kristina's POV
I changed into the same red dress with the same red fox mask.Although I used a different perfume and lotion and kept my golden heels.

I stuffed a flash drive in my bra cause this guy is a HYDRA agent therefore he will mostly likely have a secret room that has a shit ton of information along with a shit ton of HYDRA base's location.

I walked into the elevator to find Natasha in a grey dress with some light makeup and a white and glitter silver butterfly mask on.

"Didn't you wear that last time?"She asked pointing to my red two piece dress and red fox mask.

"Yes.The reason:Over time I've learned that men are more attracted to women who wear red.That and he would also know that I'm the girl he met yesterday."She nods her head and the doors open.

All the guys are in tuxedos.Holy shot they all look so fucking hot!Especially Steve.I had to close my eyes for a second before reopening them and looking at my teammates.

"We should go in different cars at different times."I said trying to distract myself from the really hot guys in the lobby at the moment.

"Why?"Thor asked and I could see Loki shake his head.

"That way we don't look suspicious.I should go by myself,Nat goes with one of you and then the rest come at different points."I felt like there was something missing but I couldn't quite remember."Also the spell to temporarily make you all seem different."

"Ah yes."Loki said with a smile and it looked like a smile of...delight?

"I can do only one person since more of my time is going to be distracted by Daniel."I look at each one of them until my eyes land on Bucky."You."He walks towards me.

"Is this going to hurt?"I lightly slap him in try chest.

"You used to be the Winter Solider.A bad ass if I do say so myself,but your worried about a spell that may or may not hurt.That...that's just sad man."

"Ok."He said and I rolled my brown eyes at him.

  I pressed my two hands together,as if I was going to pray,and closed my eyes.Just like Doctor Strange taught me.I pulled down my middle finger and ring finger so it made both my hands look like I'm rocking out to a rock song.

  I pulled away my hands and made them face Bucky."By The Mists of Munnopor..."I muttered under my breath and after a few seconds I open my eyes.

  Bucky was no longer himself but Eliot for Leverage.I smiled at my work since that spell took me quite some time to master.

  "Bucky?"He turned around and they looked at him but Loki was smiling at me.

  Impressive work Lady Webb.He said in my head and I scold myself for not keeping that mental barrier up.

  It took some practice but it's a good one to know.Now do the others.He rolled his green eyes at me but I saw that smile on his face before he turned to the others.

  In a sec they were also different.Nat was a blond haired,blue eyes women.Steve kept the blond hair but seemed a bit older and had brown eyes.Tony's chest wasn't glowing and his hair was a darker brown.Clint was rocking the blond hair and blue eyes.Bruce had longer light brown hair.Thor had his long hair in a bun but it was brown not blond.

  "Well this is weird."I poked Steve's cheek to see if the illusion would move a bit like if you were to touch water,but it didn't.Cool.

  "Let's get going."I think Clint said,all their voices had changed as well.Lucky me,Strange had taught me to do that as well when changing a persons appearance.

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