Chapter 6-PB&J

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3rd Person POV
  Tony and Bruce had called a team meeting after hearing that training had finished with the others.

  Now everyone was seated except for Tony and Bruce."We have called this meeting cause we found something interesting about Kris."Tony said.

  "When I was going to do a blood test Kristina had jumped out of the seat and across the room in a flash.All because she saw a needle."Bruce explained.

  "So what."Clint asked."She's scared of needles.Big surprise since she wasn't scared of Nat pulling a gun at her head."Natasha glared at him before looking back at the two geniuses.

  They shook their heads."No,"Bruce said."If you were there,in her eyes it held real fear.She wouldn't stop looking at the needle and when I had set it down and tried to talk to her she was engrossed with the needle that she didn't seem to hear me."

  "And,"Tony added."She rushed out of the room.But I saw when she got near the needle her eyes seemed to widen even more and her speed seemed un-normal."The topic of her speed brought them back to training.

  "Talking about speed."Cap said."She went on the treadmill and ran 37 miles in three hours.What was strange was she wasn't even that tired at the end.It seemed like she jogged for 10 minutes."

"Interesting."Bruce mummers under his breath while thinking of possible answer.

"Does she have powers?"Steve asked but Natasha shook her head.

"No.The first pair of cuffs I had put on her were made for regular people.The second set was made to block off all powers,yet she still took them off."They all thought.

Loki seemed very interested in this teen.He had never met an Midgardian who knew so much and was smarter that Doctor Banner and Stark.The though of her having super natural abilities made her seem even more interesting to him.

"Maybe she was tested on."Bucky suggested."They could have wiped her mind like they did with me."If she were to have powers then clearly she was kept a secret just how he was a secret.

"That could be a possibility."Tony said nodding his head,deep in thought."But who would do it to her?"

"We need to learn about her past."Capcicle said and everyone agreed.

"Loki can look through her mind."Stark suggested and all eyes went to Loki.

"Me?"He said in - what sounded like - a British accent."You have all told me not to do that."

"Well Reindeer Games your going to do it with Kris this one time."

"Just look through her past and report back to us."Clint said."Nothing other than her past.Got it?"Loki rolled his green eyes but nodded his head.

"Alright we just wait until she's a sleep and then Rock of Age can look through her head."Tony said and they all agreed but Cap didn't like the sound of one person going through another's mind.It seemed like invading space.

But he didn't say anything.Steve nodded along with the others and they all left the meeting room to resume what they were previously doing before the meeting.

Kris's POV
Peter had left around 10 for patrolling the city for any possible threats to New Yorkers.

Now I'm alone in the room listening to Wake Me Up when September Ends by Green Day.The volume was halfway up and I was laying down on the bed looking up at the white ceiling.

I had over 100+ songs on my MP3 player and they were all sad or happy songs.Mostly sad with meaning in them.

Like the one I'm currently listening to.It's meaning is this boy's father dies in September and he's faces through loads of drama and the ironic thing is my parents had left me on the first week of September.

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