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*Mark's P.O.V*
  As soon as Geo took Mario I left the house.
I walked down the sidewalk thinking of the things I've done , punching Trevor then running away,  kissing Mel,  letting Mel tell  Alyssa who I didn't think would say anything but she did.
I was kicking a rock around when I heard someone coming up behind me. I turned around and saw Mel casually walking up to me like I didn't just possibly ruin her relationship.
Once she was infront of me she  spike breaking the silence.
"Mel what are you doing?  You should be with Mario, "
"He's kinda angry and I don't wanna piss him off more, "
"That's basically what your doing by coming to me, "
"I wanted to make sure your ok ,"
She was looking around us at the night sky and barely made eye contact  with me.
"I'm fine don't worry Mario didn't hurt me and if he would've hit me I would've deserved it, "
"I'm sorry all this is happening I shouldn't have told Alyssa ......if I would've kept the secret everything would be fine, "
"It was both of our decisions to tell her,  we thought she wouldn't say anything,"
It got silent for a couple minutes,  you could hear some birds and other creatures. Not much was said for a minute or two but I knew she had to get back to the house.
"Mel you should go back home,  Imma just go to the hotel now,  gotta start preparing for tour,"
"wait OMG I totally forgot about the tour,  when do you leave? "
"Ummmmm the 20th, "
"MARK that's in 3 days , "
"Exactly I gotta go,  bye Mel see you soon, "
I gave her a quick hug before she headed home and I heard to the hotel.
WC: 295
Only 3 chapters left in this book and idk  if Imma do a Sequal.  Would you guys want one?

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