Quality Time

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*Mark's P.O.V*
It's currently 9 am and I'm getting ready to hang out with everyone and I'm in a pretty good mood considering I won't have to deal with Trevor on tour.
I put on a black shirt with black jeans. Then quickly did my hair before heading to Mels place to meet everyone before heading to Sea World. I'm so excited to go and see all the animals.

Once I got to Mels house I knocked on the door and Alyssa opened it dressed in a crop top and shorts.
"Hey...Ready for Sea World? "
" uh yeah just waiting for Brandon to finish getting ready,"
She stepped aside and let me in.
Everyone who was ready was in the livingroom. I gave the guys bro hugs and the girls hugs then sat down opposite of Mel.
"Brandon hurry so we can gooooo we have to see the penguinsssss, " Mel started to pout like a little kid so I pulled out my phone and started recording Her on snapchat.
"Awwwww guys look how adorable my best friend is, " I walked closer to Mel and she glared at the camera and once it was over she punched my arm.
"I'm not adorable, I'm p-"
Alyssa cut Mel off.
"Your not punk rock Mel give it up! "
Mel sat back down and started pouting again and everyone just laughed.
"I hope you all know that I hate you, "
Mario looked at her .
"Except me, you love me, "
"I hate you the most, "
Mario and Mel just glared at eachother until Mel stuck her tongue out and Mario started laughing.
"No fair your cute ," he crosses his arms and they both sat back down.
Brandon finally came out and we got in the car and headed to Sea World.
*Skip the boring car ride*
Once we arrived we all got out of the car and got our tickets. We headed inside and split up.
Mel automatically went to the penguins and Mario, Alyssa and I followed behind her.
She was taking pictures of them through the glass.
Mario came up to me and Alyssa.
"Hey can you guys distract Mel for a bit? Imma see if I can arrange it for her to feed them, "
" yeah sure, she'll love that, "
"Ok I'll text you when to bring her back, "
Mario headed off somewhere and Mark and Alyssa went to Mel.
"Are you don't with the penguins Mel? "
"Is that even a question?! I'm never done with them, "
"Ok well let's go look at .........the otters, "
"Ok... Let's go Mari- where's Mario? "
"oh ......Ummm he had to use the bathroom .........and it's far away, "
"Alyssa u suck at lying, Mark where's Mario, "
Mel looked at me dead in the eyes.
"He is hiding and... you have to find him, "
She pouted but then sighed.
"I hate him I swear, let's go find my rat, "
We headed for the otters and sea lions.
The girls bought some of the food to feed them and threw it at them. Mel managed to make one of the sea lions do a trick which made a bunch of people clap for her. She awkwardly smiled not liking attention and gave the rest of the fish to me.
I laughed before feeding the sea lions. We walked back towards the penguins and went to the turtles. Alyssa started freaking out and taking pictures. She tried petting one but got yelled at. Mel just laughed at her the whole time while I took some pictures and videos of her.
Mel and Alyssa went to a part of the turtle exibet where u could pet the shells of some turtles and then I got a text from Mario.
From Mario🍕: They said yes! Can u bring her back?
To Mario🍕 : alright bro were on our way.

I walked over to the girls and told them we had to go back to the penguins.
Mel was confused and asked a lot of questions but Alyssa and I dragged her anyways.
"Mel stop being stubborn you'll love this I swear, "
"ugh fine, "
Once we got to the penguins Mel saw Mario inside the exibet and freaked out a little.
"Mario are you fucking," Mel looked at the children next to her.
"I mean ducking crazy?! Your gonna get arrested!"
Mario just laughed and walked out to grab Mel.
"no what's gonna happen is ur gonna feed the penguins, "
"OMG!! Reaally?!!!?!? "
I took out my phone and took a video and pictures. Alyssa ended up coming next to me and we talked which suprised me because things havnt been the same since she started dating Trevor.
After like half an hour we finally got Mel out of the exibet and headed to see some shows and more exibets before meeting the others at the orca show.
*skip to the end of the trip*
After we watched the show and got soaked from being in every splash zone, we headed to the parking lot to get our ubers back home. We stopped at the hotel so the guys and I could check out since we'll be staying at Mario's untill we leave.
I feel bad for Mario's mom since she'll have 7 extra guys at her house but she assured us it would be fine and that it's only for a day.
We watched a couple movies at Mel's and hung out there until around 10 when the guys and I left to go sleep.
Tomarrows our last day and then we leave at 9 am to Houston. I'm really gonna miss the girls. We've all grown really close and are like one big happy family. I'm going to try to keep in touch and text, call or ft them when I can but I know it won't be easy especially with time zones and everything.
Luckily tomarrow were just gonna hang out at Mel's house and get in the pool and just have fun and pretend like we're not gonna have to say goodbye......
WC: 1000
Next chapter is the last chapter

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