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*Alyssa's P.O.V*
     I woke up around 10 in the morning and stretched a bit before looking at my phone.
From Mel🚀💜: Tomarrow you and me are going to Starbucks at noon K? K

  This is gonna be fun......not.
I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple and then headed to the living room.  I was kinda scared to go talk with Mel because I know what she's gonna ask about.  I've never told anyone the story but I know Mels gonna get it out of me.
I was walking on the beach just taking some time to think about stuff.  Mostly Trevor  and Mark  but also a couple other things. 
After about 5 minutes of walking I heard my name called so I turned around and saw Trev standing with roses and a sign that read  "Every prince needs a princess so will you be mine? "
I was kinda shocked as to how he found me but I slowly walked towards him and took the flowers and said yes because I didn't want to be mean and I wanted to date Trev.  He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and a bunch of people cheered. We walked together after that and then went home. 
*End of flashback*
I didn't want to tell the girls because I knew they'd ask why because I liked Mark and I know he's upset about it and that makes me sad but I feel like its to late now with everything that's happened between us.
   I sighed and checked the time : 11. I decided to start getting ready for Starbucks. I did my hair,  put on my outfit then put on mascara.
"Alyssa and I will be back in a bit guys, "
Without warning Mel came into my room and dragged me out and into her car. 
"Hope you didn't forget anything, "
"Nope, "
   The car ride to Starbucks was silent and I'm kinda glad she chose starbucks because there's always people there so if I die there will be witnesses.
We pulled up to Starbucks and got out of the car.  We walked inside and went to the corner booth and sat down. 
"Before we talk lets go order, "
I nodded and we walked to the desk and I order a white chocolate mocha and a chocolate chip cookie,  Mel ordered a vanilla bean frappe and bannana bread.
We went back and sat down at the booth when we had the stuff. 
"OK so I bet you know why we came to talk, "
"my relationship? "
"Yup,  so why and how, "
I sighed and decided to tell Mel everything and I told her about how I still like Mark and how I'm scared I've ruined everything. I almost started crying at one point but it felt nice telling Mel everything. I need to start telling her things again but I'm always scared to. 
After I told her everything she looked like she had something to say.
"Mel what's on ur mind? "
"I feel like I need to tell you something but idk I need to consult someone real quick .........I'll be back, "
And with she walked to the bathroom for  a good 10 minutes before coming back.
"OK so........."
Omg  Im alive 😱 and I updated
💔sorry for not posting

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