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Alyssa's P.O.V
We all got out of the ride and saw Mark and Trevor standing a few feet away from us. "Ohhhh look your loverboys are getting along, " Mel said while elbowing me.
"Mel your gonna jinx it, " Jill added.
"no I'm not Jill, things will be fi-"
I cut her off.
"OMG MARK WTF!! " I ran over to trevor who was now on the floor with a bloody nose.
"Mark why did-" I looked up but Mark was gone.

Mark's P.O.V
I've never ran this far or fast before but I couldn't face Alyssa. She's gonna be upset or pissed off and it hurts to see her upset.

Pretty soon I reached a bus stop and waited for the next bus to go home. I got on my phone and played some games while I waited for the bus. My phone vibrated and a new text popped up.
From Alyssa🌺❤️🙈: Where did you go? I'm not mad, please come back
I sighed , I couldn't go back. I know she's mad even if she says she isn't.
To Alyssa🌺❤️🙈: I'm sorry but I can't.
I locked my phone and put it on my pocket right as the bus drove up. I got on paid and sat down. I started out the window looking at Florida and it's landscape. Everything here was beautiful but not as beautiful as Alyssa.
Wait no I have to stop.
Mark you have to stop thinking about her its just gonna make everything worse.
I repeated that over and over untill the bus was a block from the hotel. I got off and started walking.

Once I got up to my room I put my phone to charge and laid in bed. I turned on the T.V and started watching family fued playing along and guessing. After a while there was a knock on the door.
"please don't be Alyssa, " I whispered before opening the door.
I didn't have time to say anything before Melody walked past me and sat on the bed. I closed the door and slowly walked to the bed.
"I'm not here to fight or argue just want to talk, " she gave me a reassuring smile and patted the spot next to her.  I sat down with my legs crossed. 
"what do you wanna talk about, "
I started playing with the fabric of my shirt and making the holes slightly bigger.
"About what happened at the carnival,  and don't worry everyone's  still there I just said I wasn't feeling well so I could get Away and,  I knew you'd be here so I decided to talk to you,"
I looked at my lap and continued to play with my shirt. Mel put her hand on my knee which made me look up.
"Mark Christopher Thomas answer me, "
"wait how do you know my middle name? "
"I did my research when I found out the guys where known or famous as some may say,"
"ok, "
"Mark please tell me why you punched Trevor and then ran, "
She looked me in the eyes and I sighed. I had to tell her.
" Trevor asked if I was dating Alyssa and I said no, then he asked if she was available and I said no, he said he was gonna ask her out and I immediately told him he can't he asked why I said I wanted to and he said she'd rather date him than me and I didn't think things through and I didn't want eveyone to turn against me so I ran, "
She looked a little shocked and then got up and hugged me. I hugged her back and rested my head on her shoulder.
"Mark we would never turn against you, and if anyone did I would fight them, "
I laughed and we released our hug.
"Thanks Mel, I've always found it easier to talk to you out of all the girls, probably because I met you first, "
She laughed a little and it was the cutest thing ever.
"Yeah that's probably why, "
We both just stood there in silence but it was a good silence.
I looked at her eyes and she looked at mine and smiled.
Without thinking about it first I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her.
She didn't kiss back and pulled away.
I opened my mouth in shock at what I just did .
"Mel I'm so sorry I didn't mean-i didn't want to-i wasn't thinking- I- I'm - I'm sorry Mel, " I could feel tears building up but I didn't want go cry infront of Mel so I looked down.
"I don't know what to say, I- I should tell you that I'm dating Mario, I was gonna tell you tomorrow but I guess now's good too, "
Oh Fuck. I just kissed my best friend who happens to be dating one of my friends.
"Mel please don't tell Mario , I know he should know but please don't, " I looked up and when she saw my tears she frowned and hugged me. I cried on her shoulder leaving it wet.
"I'm not gonna tell Mario, or anyone this will just stay between us, please stop crying before I start crying, "
She rubbed my back and kept telling me things will be okay untill I stopped crying. I let go of the hug and wiped the extra tears away.
"Thanks Mel, I'm glad I've got you as a friend, "
"Just know you can always count on me to be your shoulder to cry on, or the person you talk to when you need to talk, "
She gave me a reassuring smile which I returned and then hugged her again.
"Thanks again Mel and I'm sorry about the kiss , if I knew you where dating Mario that would have made me process things in my brain for once so I don't do stupid shit like always, "
"Mark you make great choices otherwise you wouldn't have amazing supporters who love you, "
She looked at her phone and then Put it away.
"It's getting late I better go, bye Mark,"
She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek as a friendly gesture. She headed towards the door and I just waved goodbye.
Once the door closed I took my shirt off, put shorts on and went to bed.
Today was a long and eventful day and I hope tomorrow's better...
{WC: 1062}
Long update your welcome :::)

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