The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men

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The Dou-Jin Apprentice

of Monsters and Men

By S. Cary Strasse

In the Beginning

As we live on this great planet of earth we must realize that we are only one of many earths of numerous universes under countless other different names. There are various universes that the normal human beings cannot count, but on one Earth an Earth five times larger than our own known as Theara a great tribulation was taking place.

In the beginning there was the vast and darkness unfilled abyss and lack of light. The nothingness was immeasurable and had no beginning and no end and the only beings that filled that void were the Holy Five. Only the Holy Five existed and the Holy five were one and the One were the Holy Five.

The universe was shapeless and the Creator said "Let there be light!" And there was light. Trillions times trillions of stars and planets were formed. The Creator separated the light from the darkness and He was please and so He ended the first day of Creation.

Upon Theara the Creator separated the dry land from the water and the Creator was pleased with what He had accomplished and so He ended the second day of Theara.

The Mother then covered the lands and seas with rich plant life and so Theara was blanketed with lush vegetation. The Mother was please and so was the Creator and so ended the third day.

The Creator placed animals male and female upon the dry land and within the sea and bid them to be fruitful and multiply and the Creator was pleased and that ended the fourth day.

The Creator then formed one thousand men and one thousand women out of the dirt of Theara and breathed life into all of them and paired them together, some being human, some being elf, some dwarf, some gnome, some widget, some halfling, and some zepher. The Creator said to them be fruitful and multiply and spread yourself throughout the world and they journeyed throughout Theara and found places to dwell and the Creator was please and that ended the fifth day.

The Son that would one day be the sacrifice for all men and women when the world of Theara who would arrive in its darkest hours and to promote men and women to make sacrifices for one another out of love and kindness. The Daughter, or The Spirit, which was the power of the Creator within all men and women to do good deeds and promote good will for all mankind upon the planet. Last but not least The Maker, the inspiration for all mankind and womankind to invent tools of peace and harmony to help things grow and enrich the soil, build homes, create metropolises, cities, towns, villages, and hamlets. The Creator was please and that ended the sixth day and on the seven day He rested.

They would find ways to grow food to the best of their abilities and build farming equipment to help their world grow.

So it was in this universe that Theara, along with the rest of the Universe, was created and all living things were fruitful and multiplied. The lesser gods of The Creator's construction oversaw the daily routines of the people and saw that it was peaceful. They all loved the people of Theara. They took care of the people and the people prayed to them, until a third of the gods became restless and wanted more than just simple prayers. They wanted sacrifices to them and not just animal or vegan they wanted human blood sacrifices poured out over elaborate alters from their followers to prove their loyalty. The more their followers proved their loyalty the greater the rewards to those chosen few, the lesser were discarded and ignored and left to their own devices, which usually lead to a variety of criminal acts of murder, rape, pedophile, torture for please upon the sacrifices, and upon each other.

That is until a third of the lesser gods saw that the people were unhappy with the unrest of lesser gods who wanted the power over the people for themselves and they wanted the people's worship instead of most of the people's worship going to The Creator and His family. Pure evil had risen from the depths of Theara and true vileness had reared its ugly head and took hold of the once uncompromised gods.

Luciferous thought that the Creator loved the people of Theara more than he did the lesser gods and he wanted to hurt the people of Theara and to hurt The Creator. Luciferous thought what he might do when a horrific yet simple plan came to mind.

Luciferous was the second most powerful of all the lesser gods. He envied The Creator but thought he was the most powerful of all the gods, even more powerful than the Creator and wanted the people of Theara to worship him and to love him. So Luciferous went down to the surface of Theara.

There he found the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Where he found a man and a woman were standing by the tree gazing upon it. Lucifer took the shape of a ruby dragon and began conversing with the couple. The conversation started out so plain and innocent that he caught the couple off guard with what he was doing. The conversations subterfuge was unknown to the couple because no act of evil had ever been done on Theara that the couple had ever heard about.

The dragon grinned at the couple all the time thinking how much he wanted to cause them dire pain. How these two were loved by the Creator more than the Creator loved him and his followers. His mind spun and delved into the dark recesses of his twisted mind as he spun his ordeal of destruction.

"Doesn't that fruit look lovely?" Luciferous said to the couple with a purr in his voice that seemed more curious than a question. "It appears almost good enough to eat."

"Why yes it does." The woman replied, "But we are not to touch it or eat of it as The Creator has told us that we would surely die if we were to disobey." She turned away from the fruit so as not to be tempted by it any further, but the dragon wasn't finished with her yet.

"Surely you don't believe that myth." Luciferous said to them. He was going to twist and turn the Creators words into such a knot that they wouldn't really know what the Creator meant and didn't mean. "This tree has stood here for millions of years and people must have eaten from it and haven't died. Just look at the fruit it bears. It looks ever so sweet and juicy; surely it must be just as delicious as it looks."

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now