Chapter 18 Special Training

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Chapter 18

Special Training

Stephanous was called to the Grand Head Masters Study right after dinner. Sissy came and got him and blinked him into Donaldrid office.

"Hi Steph." She said as she took him by the hand.

"Hi Sissy." Steph replied back politely.

Donaldrid was waiting for Stephanous with a grin on his face as he stood just over three feet tall in the middle of the room. "It's good to see you Steph. I hope you had a good day of school?"

"Yes sir." Stephanous answered politely. "It went very well thank you."

"I have invited you here to learn how to control your Spiritual powers." The widget told him. "Michale tells me that you possess great power, but you can't control it. It's wonderful that you have awesome power, but it is very dangerous that you don't know how to keep it in check. With you immense power you could accidentally hurt someone and we wouldn't want that now would we?"

"No sir." Steph said surprised. "I had never even thought of that."

"Go ahead and sit down."

Stephanous sat down in the middle of the floor about two feet from Professor Vorhelm. Sissy flew off and sat down upon a book and watched intently as Stephanous went through his routines.

"Now listen to my voice like you've been taught." Donaldrid said softly. "Envision the Spirit. Let it come to you slowly. Slower than usual. I want you to slow down the process and feel the Spirit as it fills you with power. I don't want the power of the Spirit to rush in and consume you like normal. I want it to slowly seep in like a slow drip from a leaky cup."

Stephanous envisioned the Spirit. It wanted to engulf him but he tried to hold it back. He pushed it away and tried to only let a little bit seep in at a time, but it was so grueling. The Spirit pressed against him and wanted to overpower him but he fought it with everything that he had.

On the outside Donaldrid could see perspiration forming on Stephanous's brow and he was trembling with the effort of trying to hold the Spirit at bay. After about five minutes it happened Stephanous went limp and all the items including Donaldrid began to levitate.

In a calm soothing voice Donaldrid spoke to Stephanous. "Feel everything around you. As you touch each item place it gently back where it came from. You are filled with the Spirit and that is good. You have done nothing wrong."

"Now that you have the Spirit let's see what we can do with it."

Stephanous systematically began placing everything back into its rightful place or at least where he thought it came from until he had put Donaldrid and Sissy back down as well.

"Now I want you to remain exceedingly calm." The Grand Head Master instructed in a tranquil soothing tone. "Now think in your mind of a small sphere of blue maybe two inches wide."

Stephanous formed the ball in his mind and focused upon it.

"Now I want you to see that ball outside you body in the real world." Donaldrid instructed him.

Stephanous focused all his attention on the blue sphere. He imagined it floating in front of himself in the Grand Head Masters chambers. He made it orbit his head like one of the moons of Theara.

Outside Stephanous's head a blue sphere appeared and began orbiting the young lads head. Donaldrid was extremely impressed with the boys abilities and wanted to press him further, but he had already had the boy there and hour and he probably had homework to do and he would see Stephanous again tomorrow.

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