Chapter 24 A Day in the Life of Lilith

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Chapter 24

A Day in the Life of Lilith

Lilith lay upon her bed in her shadow elf form she wore only a web lace bra and a web lace thong. Her soft black skin was seen in the lamps throughout the chamber. She lay seductively on her side as if she were waiting for a lover; in fact that's what she was doing. She was waiting for a shader named Patrolock Werner.

A knock at her door echoed throughout the chamber.

"Come in." Lilith said in a sultry tone.

The shader came into the room and closed the door behind him. His eight spidery tips of his legs softly clicking upon the marble floor. He stood at attention before his master. His lower half was of a tarantula and his upper half was of a shadow elf.

It was not an honor to be a shader it was a curse. Any shadow elf who had let Lilith down or failed to please Lilith was changed into a shader or died. The former if they really displeased her. Lilith despised shaders, they were a constant reminder of how they had betrayed her in the past.

"Hello Patrolock." She said in her seductive tone. "I've been waiting for you. How would you like your legs back?"

"Come to me dear." She beckoned as she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Patrolock strode over to his lady gradually on his eight hairy legs and stopped in front of her. Lilith unfastened her web-like bra letting her more than ample breasts free from their bonds and then she stood up and made sure that she rubbed her large bosom against him while she removed he webbed lace panties.

She whispered a word of arcane magic and a shimmer enveloped the shaders lower body and his eight hair spider legs transformed into two smooth black shadow elf legs.

Patrolock gazed down in surprise at his good fortune. He didn't know what good deed he had done to deserve such a gracious gift from his patron deity. She laid him on the bed and embraced him with a full passionate kiss that aroused his manliness. They enjoyed each other's pleasure and as he reached his ecstasy Lilith bit into his neck and drank deeply off his hot inky blood. A minute amount dribbled down the left corner of her mouth and down her chin.

She discarded the lifeless husk of the shadow elf to the floor like a piece of trash he was to her. The corpse fell with a thump and Lilith joyfully stepped over the cadaver and raised her arms as though she had just claimed victory over an opponent.

To Lilith the taste of the deep ebony wine colored liquid gave her new life and energy. She felt like she was born anew and could do anything. She felt as though she could break the bonds of her prison, but she knew that she couldn't, but that didn't stop her from giving it her best shot.

She fired spells at the walls of her prison she hurled fireballs, chain lightning, explosive charges anti-magic spells, but in the end she was defeated and she screamed at the Creator for imprisoning her and making her scream in rage. She physically beat on the walls and on the door that only let visitors in and out, but she couldn't pass through the simple barrier.

She hung her head and cried at the fact that she couldn't be free. She felt no remorse for the things that she had done to be put in the prison, but she blamed the Creator for everything and it was His fault that she was there. She insisted that it was none of her doing that she was sentenced to this hell hole! Luciferous had led her astray, but that wasn't true either. She knew exactly what she was doing when she rebelled against the Creator.

She should have been able to do as she pleased. After all they were given free choice and that meant that they could do as they wished. So what if they mistreated their mortal and immortal subjects and tried to overthrow the Creator and His Family. That was her choice and she shouldn't be punished for making her own choice since the Creator had made her that way.

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