Parts 2 Guilds and New Friends

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high pitched voice. "Welcome Academy Angels..., Dallas Dragons..., Glendale Giants..., LaCreole Lycanthropes..., Lyle Lions..., Morrison Minotaurs..., Oakdale Owlbears..., and Whitworth Warriors." Each table gave a roaring cheer as their name was announced to show their school spirit. All the guilds were boisterous and were sure not to be outdone by any of the other guilds.

"Now for some announcements." The widget said to his audience. "I am Donaldrid Vorhelm the Grand Dou-Jin Master of the Dou-Jin Academy for those who are new and don't know who I am."

"Second all your teachers are sitting at the long table behind me. They are most anxious to get your courses started for this year."

"Third only those twenty and older are allowed in the meditation chambers and then only during 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM."

"Fourth the penitentiary is out of bounds to all students under the age of twenty as there are some very vile men and women down there and they would be more than happy to kill you or worse."

"Fifth, it's time to eat." At that Donaldrid clapped his hands and the eight tables were teaming with food and drink appropriate for children and young adults. There was roast beef, chicken, pork chops, and lamb chops, potatoes and gravy, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, green beans corn, asparagus, eggplant, cup cakes, cookies of many varieties, and assorted drinks.

At the end of each table stood a couple of squints. Their jobs were to clean up spills and anything that was dropped on the floor. They were exceedingly quick at their jobs. They were a blur when they moved, which was a surprise since they looked like potatoes.

Stephanous felt extremely out of place in the great hall. He sat on the end of the table in his dust covered clothes and didn't talk to anyone at first. He tried to talk to one of the squints, but they kept running off to clean up messes.

A girl sitting next to Stephanous tapped him on the arm. She had wavy blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a slender nose, slightly pointed ears, and thin lips. Her skin was perfect and so smooth. There wasn't a smudge of dirt on it. Everyone Stephanous had ever met had some sort of dirt on their face as they seemed to be farmers, lumberjacks, rangers, or other earthy people. Well except on Sunday when everyone went to the temple to worship The Creator and His Family.

"I'm Lorianna Flameblade." She said to Stephanous sticking out her hand ready to shake his. She had a pleasing smile on her face.

Stephanous froze. A girl that wasn't a relative was talking to him and she was beautiful as well. He just sat there and stared at her. Here he had helped catch a dangerous criminal more cunning than himself and he couldn't muster up his own name for this young lady.

"Go ahead tell me your name." She said teasingly. She knew that it was going to be her who was going to have to make the first move, but that was okay she was use to going after what she wanted.

Stephanous's face went ten shades of crimson his lips moved but no sound came out of them. He slowly managed to raise his hand a shook hers. Her hands were so soft compared to his callused ones from working at the blacksmiths and working on the farm so long.

"I know your Stephanous aren't you?" She said to him putting a hand on his right arm. She knew she was rattling him, but she was having too much fun with him at the moment.. "The prophet practically yelled it when she came to you."

Stephanous slowly nodded his head. " can call me Steph if you like." He said barely above a whisper. His eyes were staring at her hand that was on his arm and his eyes were ever so wide.

"Why you do have a voice." She giggled teasingly. "What race are you. I'm a half elf. My dad's full wood elf and my mom's human.

"I'm Zepher." He said slowly still staring at Lorianna as if she had fallen from the sky.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now