Journey to the Dou-Jin Temple part 3

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within the bowels of the earth beneath the shadow elf city of Talcoma'De'Shore. He had made his home here after being chased out of his homeland of Newyark Newyark a city back in the eastern kingdoms of Northern Tektara.

He had been a promising student of magic and illusion, but when he was discovered studying the dark arts and sacrificing humans to Lilith he was headed to the Guillotine, but a group of his black art students rescued him and they ran west until they found the shadow elves and Lilith told them to support him and make him the head of the magic council.

Christar had not a stitch of hair on his wrinkled bald head, sagging watery red eyes, a thin pointed long nose, and raisin like lips. He sat on a large cushion as his butt was so bony that it hurt for him to sit on a hard surface without it. He wrote with his left hand and cast with his left hand. Some said that left handed mages were extra powerful and had extended lives and Christar seemed to be proving that point. He was writing in his spell book on a new spell he was working on for some time but hadn't quite got it right yet.

He worean azure robe trimmed in gold which was a sign that he was filled with pride and took his craft extremely serious and took pride in his magic of course, but Christar really took Pride to the limits. He'd made spells to new heights. Some of his spells couldn't be cast by anyone but him they were so powerful.

The other secret to his power and a lot of other powerful magic-users in the dark arts was that they were demon possessed and the demon that was said to possess him was Mephistopheles the demon of pride. Christar may have sold his sole to the demon, but he had total control over the demon because of an amulet that he wore and as long as he had that amulet he was the one that called the shots and if Mephistopheles didn't obey him Christar would torture and torment him as Christar had many times in the past so the demon rarely pushed his buttons. It was also the reason Christar had lived so long.

The council room was well lit for being so far underground The people around the table were all powerful mages that each were possessed by demons is where they got their real power.

Edralve and Lavanna sat on opposite sides of the head table where Christar sat. Edralve lusted for that seat and had been scheming for decades for that position

Carrio Deathgrip was possessed by Asmodeous the demon of wrath. Carrio had a ring that kept his demon in check with a segmented tenson ring upon his index finger, even though the battle was a struggle at times because wrath was so unpredictable. Carrio was a shadow elf with short cut hair that was parted down the middle and feathered to the sides. He wore an eye patch that was a fake because it allowed him to see everything visible and invisible. His eyes were cobalt blue and were very penetrating when he gazed upon you. He had what appeared to be a hearing aid in his and that what he called it. He said it was something a tinker gnome had made and he had pilfered it from him. It allowed him to hear in on conversations he wasn't supposed to be part of. He wore a crimson robe and was the head of his order. All the heads of their orders were in the shadow elf city of Talcoma'De'Shore. Carrio's robes were blood red and trimmed in gold scroll work and were quite exquisite.

Dorraine Lacreesha a tall willowy half-elven woman with pale skin and was possessed by Vual the demon of gluttony and the demonic spirit was control by a mythril bracelet. Dorraine had a full body of blonde hair that hung a quarter ways down her back and was kept in pristine condition all the time. Her eyes were a pale green and when she looked at you, you felt as though she were staring into your soul and you wanted to leave her presence, but that could be because of the demon that was inside of her. Her robes were golden trimmed in silver.

Another person sitting around the table was Suzanne Burgundy a wild elf was possessed by Gadreel the demon of Lust. Suzanne didn't bother trying to control the demon she let the demon have her way as she was driven by any and all sexual activities. She had tattoos of snakes crawling on her arms and another tattoo of a spider on her neck. She had platinum blonde hair, gray eyes, and puckered lips that appeared as though she was about to kiss anyone she was talking to.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now