Chapter 39 General Chang Sho'Gu

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Chapter 39

General Chang Sho'Gu

General Chang Sho'Gu studied the document of his troops upon his desk. He was the Commander and Chief of the kings armies and he wanted to make sure everything was in order before he sent his troops out to conquer the albino elves, or as the shadow elves called the white trash. He had no doubt about the defeat of the albino city of Vorderchen'Strauss.

He had planned for a decade this assault on the city and nothing was going to stop him from capturing and enslaving every last piece of white trash. He had poured his heart and soul into this confrontation and there was no way that the white trash were going to stop him.

He gazed at the papers upon his desk they had the numbers of the Roda-Ki, Elite troops, regular troops, officers, undead, and humanoid. He even had a paper on the various animals that were in the armed forces such as dragons, wyverns, beholders, Owlbears, minor demons, giants, mercenaries, deep dogs, and pit cats.

He could have asked for better troops for this occasion. All this and they had the Orb of Solomon. Several burst of energy from that and thewhite trash would be crippled and then the dragon and wyvern would swoop in and decimate the enemy troops and then the army would waltz right through and take the rest of the army out with minimal resistance.

Yes Chang had it all figured out. Nothing was going to stop him from complete and utter annihilation of his white trash enemies. So many times had he been thwarted in his attempts to weaken the troops, but now with the Orb, the dragons, and the demons there was nothing that was going to stop him from plowing through his enemy like a hammer hitting an over ripe melon.

General Sho'Gu got up from his comfortable cushioned chair and put on his triangular hat and grabbed his walking stick and headed out to inspect the troops, but first he wished to speak to Lilith.

"Lilith my highness are you there?" he said politely. He knew his place with Lilith and the power she possessed.

""Yes General Sho'Gu I am here." She said in a slightly dull voice. The general was a powerful man among his peers, but he never tested her like Christar had. She knew about most of Christar's schemes and she applauded him for that. However the general was like dough to her. She could mold him so easily. She admired his respect for her, but that was it.

He had no fire towards her. he never planned anything against her, he never tried to under cut her authority, he never had false humility like Christar or Zartan, he was like a fire cracker that never exploded. He was all fizzle and now kaboom.

He walked down the long corridor that led to the giant parade grounds. He thought about his short speech to his troops. He was use to sending men and women off to their deaths, hopefully this was the last time against the white trash albinos. He hated the white trash with a fervor. The white trash had killed his father who had also made it to general, but was killed by an albino assassin.

He walked past the undead that seemed to be subdued at the moment. He noted that each undead wore a bracelet of control that kept the undead in line. The undead formed perfect lines and were neat and orderly. Carrio had done a fine job with them.

Each skeleton was armed with a sword, the zombies weren't armed with anything, the other undead had their own special attacks and had no material weapons to speak of. The entire undead host was perfect he couldn't believe that Carrio could control such a large host.

He would never let Carrio know how impressed he was, because that might cause Carrio to think to highly of himself and try to take on the general. The general was paranoid that way. The undead army was as perfect as his regular troops if not as beautifully dressed in military garb. The undead had old albinos in its ranks because carrio and his crew would take the dead bodies during the war before the albios could retrieve the bodies of the fallen and turn them into undead warriors.

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