Chapter 35 Cerberus Find Stephanous

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Chapter 35

Cerberus finds Stephanous

Stephanous was up walking the school corridors unable to sleep the rest of the night. His nightmares haunting him and were going to keep haunting him until Lilith was dead or he was. What if he died and he spent eternity with Lilith. Now that would be a nightmare!

Stephanous gazed at the painting in the dim light of the candle of the hallways all the pictures were either an outdoor landscape or some great student that had made something of himself or herself in life.

He then came upon a painting of Stephanous 'The Great'. He remembered all the stories he'd heard about the man, but never knew what he'd looked like. He just knew that he was named after him like a lot of children. The Stephanous in the picture was different than he had expected.

The Stephanous in the picture was dark skinned like he had spent too much time in the sun. He had coal black hair with dark brown eyes. He was a tall man maybe six foot three and had a narrow physique. He didn't look anything like Stephanous the student had pictured him.

The dragon behind Stephanous was a magnificent shiny azure mythril dragon with a saddle and lance upon it. The steed was wonderful to behold. The famous Gwendolyn Stargazer the most famous mythril dragon of them all. Nobody ever knew where her or Stephanous 'The Great' had gone after Lilith was defeated. Most stories said the Creator took them home to be with the family.

Stephanous had the feeling something was wrong. He couldn't tell what it was just that something wasn't right. He felt a heated moisture on his neck and he gradually turned around. A deep thunderous rumbling growl was heard by Stephanous as he was turning.

Stephanous saw the huge creature and wondered how in the world such a large beast could have gotten into the castle of the Dou-Jin without being seen. He backed away from the creature and the monster followed.

The dog snarled and showed its teeth which were like swords and daggers. So Stephanous kept backing up. The dogs breath was as hot as fire on Stephanous's face and he was sweating now. He thought talking to it might sooth the animal as it did with farm animals.

"Hey puppy." Stephanous said nervously. "How you doing boy?"

Oddly the dog stopped growling and took a more docile stance. And stood the with its three tongues hanging out.

"That's a good boy." Stephanous said in his shaky voice. "You're a very good boy aren't you?"

Stephanous never taking his eyes off the dog or turning his back towards it made his way down to the kitchen and asked the squints for three legs of beef. The squints delivered the three legs and Stephanous offered one leg to each head.

The massive dog laid down and began eating the legs of beef.

Stephanous dared to get closer to the dog but it started to growl and thought it wiser to wait until it was done eating its meal. Through the entire meal the dog's tail was thumping on the hardwood floor like a base drum and it almost appeared as though it had a smile on its face.

Stephanous then approached the three headed dog. The dog laid there and panted as Stephanous cautiously approached it. Cerberus made no moves towards Stephanous and Stephanous was in biting range. When Stephanous had managed to get next to it he gradually scratched behind the middle head right ear and the dog loved it so much that he gave Stephanous a big wet lap with its tongue.

The other heads wanted to be paid attention to as well and tried nuzzling in and the dogs almost had a fight over which ones would be scratched. Which almost got Stephanous's body parts bitten off, but he managed to keep them calm by singing to them.

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