Chapter 14 Visions

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Chapter 14


Stephanous stood upon an extremely elongated ridge gazing at a horrid nightmarish scene before him like an ungodly horrific landscape come to life. He didn't know how he had arrived there or even where he was. All he knew is that he didn't want to be there.

The scene before the young Dou-Jin apprentice cause his skin to crawl as if lengthy earthworm were wriggling beneath the layers of his skin. Large goose bumps riddled his form making him look like a freshly plucked turkey and every hair upon his form was standing on end as if he were being jolted by an electrical charge. He felt an intense shiver run through his body like the chill of death had been breathed down his spine.

A dreadful horrendous wave of fear engulfed Stephanous like nothing he had ever felt. The terror caused him to stare unblinking at the appalling display of brutality and inhumanity before his burning, red rimmed engulfed, and watering eyes. As hard as he tried he couldn't pull his eyes away from the viciousness before him. It was as if he were being forced to witness the barbarism set before his sight. His body began to quiver with dread as he gazed intently at the panorama being played out before his wide terror filled eyes.

The sky swirled and whirled above him in a sickening gut wrenching torrent of bloody crimson and a deep light absorbing pitch black. Like a hideous maelstrom of unbelievable maliciousness and evil. Blinding lightning flashed in jagged forked streaks and thunder roared like a rancorous chorus of roaring dragons within the violent turbulence like some strange and eerie force.

Vicious shapes appeared that couldn't possibly have been real. The faces of men combined with maws of serpents, birds of prey, wild cats, dragons, bovines, and strange animals that couldn't be fathomed by the human mind. They had the chest and torsos of men and the legs of animals and of men as they wore boots upon their feet.

Stephanous's mind throbbed and ached with the pain of being the witness of the vileness before him. He wanted to scream aloud, but his mouth opened and no sound burst forth from his vocal cords or past his lips. He was shaking with dire fear of what he was beholding he couldn't believe what was happening to him yet again. It was as if he had been sent to the Deep itself for some unknown sin and there was no escape for him. He was going to have to face Luciferous the Father of Lies. His mind howled and roared for the nightmare to end, but it was like a punishment to watch the scene in front of his gaze.

He pleaded with the Creator for forgiveness and to be brought out of the hell he was being put through. He wanted to be forgiven for all the past sins he had ever committed and be taken into heaven and be at peace instead of facing this atrocity. He wondered what he had done, but he couldn't think with all that was going on around him. None of this could be real. Was this another of his nightmares? It couldn't be it felt to real. The heat, the blistering wind, the aridness, and the sweat he could feel everything.

The land before the apprentice was stark and barren, aridly dry, and crack, but it was familiar. It was his homeland, but nothing grew here. The air was exceedingly bone dry and the breeze that whipped his school clothes of black and orange nearly blew sideways like a flag in a massive gale. It made him sweat even with the massive chill that ran through him. His sweat soaked clothes had become more of a burden with the weight of the nightmare added to the drenching of the perspiration. There were massive amounts of sweat and the heated blast furnace of the winds brought no coolness to the young boy.

Enormous amounts of perspiration coursed in rivulets down the boy's handsome darkened face that was matted to his short spiky hair to his skull and hot streams of sticky sweat poured down Stephanous's back, chest, and sides as if someone had dumped an enormous pitcher of almost sweltering heated sticky water over his entire form. There was no way to flee the heat that permeated in the barren bleak area. The youth loosened hi shirt a little, but his clumsy fingers had problems with the buttons with his slick fingers and he was trapped within his cloth prison.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now