Chapter 5 Grand Master of the Roda-Ki

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The grand master of the Roda-Ki sat at his desk. His name was Zartan Zander he was a human with light skin. He had jet black wavy hair that was well kept and eyes that were nearly as dark as his hair. He was six foot three and had a lean muscular build and was only forty-nine years old which was young for a grand master.

Zartan had reached his position the old fashion way he had assassinated the old grand master. That was the way of the Roda-Ki. That was one reason there weren't very many of them. The Roda-Ki had only one apprentice per master as well. Do to the assassinations the master could only keep an eye on one student at a time.

Zartan carried a mace that glowed white when he held his weapon and used his demonic powers. It was a sign of pure hatred in his spirit. He had a kite shield that was painted with a Y on it. At the top of the Y there was a fire, to the left there was an inverted pentagram, and on the right there was the skull of a goat. Zartan took his oath to Luciferous seriously and he didn't care who knew about it.

The Roda-Ki were gradually growing, but they had picked up their pace in recruitment in the past few years, but they were nowhere near the numbers of the Dou-Jin. However they had managed to tarnish the reputation of the Dou-Jin by pretending to be Dou-Jin and wreaking havoc in their name. People were beginning to fear and distrust the Dou-Jin thanks to the dirty dealings of the Roda-Ki.

The Roda-Ki had played their hand well. No one even knew of the Roda-Ki's existence. People if they knew anything about the Roda-Ki thought they had died out over a millennium ago or that they were just a myth thought up by law officials to keep people in line.

The Roda-Ki were well hidden as well. Their main base was in the shadow elf kingdom of Talcoma'De'Shore, and the city was massive. There were other Roda-Ki outposts but this was their main headquarters. Almost a hundred Roda-Ki and their apprentices stayed at this base and were deployed from the city to disburse the mayhem. Zartan made sure of that.

Zartan hadn't found a way to get the Roda-Ki into the albino elf city of Vorderchen'Strauss, but he did have connections that were working on a plan to undermine the cities security. Even albino elf weren't immune to the seven deadly sins and Zartan used them to his advantage with his network of spies.

Christar hobbled into the chamber and made his way into the room at a snail's pace. Zartan hated the man with a passion. He had several plans to have the ancient mage killed but his spies had ended up dead or missing before the jobs were done, but then again so had Christar's.

Christar sat down in a padded chair across from Zartan and made himself at home like he did everywhere he went in the shadow elf city. He set his cane across his lap and straightened out his robes and cleared his voice.

"So how goes the infiltration of the albino scum city?" Christar asked already knowing the answer. He only asked because he liked making the Roda-Ki leader look bad and feel embarrassed about his short comings.

'They're coming along just fine." Zartan lied. He didn't want this pompous ass knowing anything about his dealing, but he didn't know that Christar knew everything that went on in the dark elf city.

Christar had eyes and ears everywhere. He was well connected, informed, and wealthy. He could manipulate and blackmail anyone into doing his bidding. He had people in the Roda-Ki that spied on Zartan and Zartan didn't even know it. Although Christar hadn't been able to get anyone in Zartan's inner circle and that miffed Christar to no end. Christar could get anything on anyone close to Zartan, but he had people close enough to get the information Christar needed.

"Are your Roda-Ki ready for the big battle?" Christar asked coughing into his handkerchief and leaving a few spots of blood as a performance for the grand master.

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