Chapter 43 Siege

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Chapter 43


Horns began blowing and gongs began sounding. People scrambled all around the party. A kicked ant hill would have appeared calm to the agitation of the city. People were running scared everywhere, children were crying because they were confused and didn't know what was going on, and animals hiding in crevasses to avoid being trampled by the human stampede.

Parents were gathering their children into the underground shelters that were made for them in case the city was ever attacked. The Albino population went several hundred feet underground farther to get away from the enemy. The doors were shut and secured once the people were safely inside.

Soon only military personnel were out in the streets and on the walls of the city. Huge war machines were rolled into place. Massive catapults were moved into position, ballista with explosive tips on the end of them. War towers were placed behind the wall to allow more firepower to help support the wall in case the enemy was to breach the immense walls.

The catapults that were set up had colossal sphere loaded into them. They were soaked with pitch and kerosene ready to be lit and fired at the enemy. The ballista had dynamite on their tip ready to be lit and fire into the middle of the enemy to disburse their charge.

Another great weapon that the albinos had was a blades flying tri-blade circle that would fly through the middle of the troops and cut them down like blades of grass. The blades would fly out from the machine and mow a path through the enemy for several hundred feet leaving a gory blood soaked channel of carnage.

The enemy was three miles out and moving in. There were two hundred thousand troops marching on the city. The shadow elves were armed with long bows, hand held crossbows, scimitars, daggers, and small explosive that exploded upon contact after a magical word was spoken onto it.

Behind the men and women of the troops came the mages and priests each dressed in the color of their guild. Each mage had their spell components and spell books in hand, each had wands and staves at the ready as did the priests.

Behind the mages and priests were the Roda-Ki and their Marokes. Each of the people was dressed in the colors of their guild as well. The each had their demonweapons at their side ready to be used upon a moment's notice.

Two huge elephant sized lizard-like beasts pulled each on the two dozen war towers. A colossal battering ram with the head of a dragon on the end was being pulled by four enormous pearl dragons.

Four wood giants pulled wagon of arrows. The arrows were bundled in to twenties and each of the forty wagons carried two hundred bundles of arrows.

Two strange looking horses pulled each of the ten catapults. The horses were twice the size of Morgan's and had horns of that of cattle and the tail of cattle as well. They plodded along moving forward to get into their position to bombard the fortified city of Vorderchen'Strauss.

By the end of the day both sides had their offenses and defenses set up. An assembly rode up to the gates of the fortress under a flag of truce to parlay with the diplomat of the Vorderchen'Strauss people.

The beings that rode up with the entourage wore a blindfold with an eye painted on the front of in it was completely bald, had no ears, but rather holes where the ear should have been. When it began to talk its teeth were filed to points and unclean as though it had been eating liquefied tar. Its teeth were grey to black with no pattern to speak of. It clicked its teeth when it talked as well and spoke very clearly.

He was dressed all in black and rode a black steed that had burning red eyes, fangs, blew steam out its nostrils, and flames out its mouth, had bat like wings, and it hooves were ablaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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