Chapter 20 Conspiracies

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Chapter 20


Christar sat at his desk looking over his spell books. He had just memorized some new spells that he thought might come in handy. He pulled out his private journal that had many explosive guards and wards on it for any who thought they might get a look into his private thoughts. Christar was always paranoid about his possessions. He was an extremely secretive man and he trusted no one, not even he demon Mephistopheles that possessed his form.

The ancient mages body might have appeared frail but his mind was sharper than a blade in the realms of Theara and that kept the demon in check. The stronger his mind and spirit were the better he kept the demon in check, or at least that's what the demon let Christar think.

The demon wanted to get rid of Lilith and Luciferous and rule the underworld for himself. No more of this being bound to the underworld and calling the shots. Mephistopheles wanted all the power for himself, as did all demons, but they knew their limits and they had to bide their time and strike when their leader was the weakest. Even with Luciferous bound he was still the most powerful demon in the underworld.

A knock came at Christar double doors that echoed through his ears. He hated being disturbed by anyone especially when he was deep in thought with his spells. Christar was always about power and his spells.

Rebecca-Lynn entered the chamber upon slippered feet. She wore her green robes with silver embroidery along the hems. Her royal elf ears poked out of her hair on either side of her head through her straight black hair that she had held up in a bun with two hair sticks. She wasn't a tall woman, most royal elves weren't, but she was short even for a female royal elf.

Christar was actually relieved to see the young mage. It was one of the few wizards that he half way trusted and that was saying something since he didn't trust anybody.

Rebecca-Lynn made her way across the large room to Christar's desk where he had a chair and she sat across from Christar.

"What do you have for me today my dear?" Christar said in a shaky old man's voice.

"Well Shandor is beginning to trust me more." Rebecca-Lynn said with a slight smirk.

"Please tell me more." Christar said with interest as he leaned forward.

"She is trying to get a group together to try and overthrow you." Rebecca-Lynn informed him.

"Keep letting her think that." Christar informed. "I want her and any that wish to follow her to give them enough rope to hang themselves. Then when it's too late they will be surprised the rope will tighten around their necks and all the nonconformists will die at my hands."

"Yes my lord." The female mage answered. "Carrio Death grip in amassing a large army of undead, but I haven't figured out why or where, just that he's doing it."

"I've had my eye on the situation." Christar said in an all too knowing tone. "As far as I know he's doing Lilith's bidding. She gathering an army of immense size for a grand invasion of Theara."

"Dorraine is looking for another demon to take the place of the one that possesses her." Rebecca-Lynn informed Christar. "She figures the one possessing her now is to weak to possess her."

"The weaker the better." Christar said with a chuckle. "That means she won't be trying to take my place anytime soon."

"Marriott-Suzze is thinking about joining Shandor." The female mage informed Christar. "But only so that she can take her place. She wants to kill her and be the head of the order. Marriott-Suzze wants Shandor to do all the heavy lifting involved in taking over and then kill Shandor once the work is done."

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