Chapter 13 Classes

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Chapter 13


The classes that day consisted if math, science, reading, writing, history, lunch, enchanted creatures, humanoids, Dou-Jin meditation, defense against black magic, martial arts, potions, and dinner. Each class was shared with another guild. Life for the young Dou-Jin apprentices was going to be a tough one. There wasn't going to be much time to play around and goof off. It was going to be hard work and dedication.

No one was ever allowed to quit the Dou-Jin training once they started either. You were either thrown out or you died. Neither option was a pretty one for the students, but for the first years the work load was pretty easy and light. There was very little homework.

The Professor of the enchanted creature's class was Holiday Chase the Dallas Dragon Head Mistress. She wore a bright blue dress that matched the color of the sky that afternoon. The dress brought out the blue in her eyes and she had a brilliant smile upon her face as she introduced herself to the class.

Most of the class found the routine classes boring, but the enchanted creatures class they saw an actual griffon. It had golden coloring and the body of a lion and the head and chest of an eagle. Its front legs were talons and claws while it hind quarters were the legs and paws of the lion. It was a proud and majestic creature, but you had to be careful around it because it had a tendency to peck at the students if he felt so inclined to without provocation.

Stephanous really enjoy gazing upon the magnificent creature. The entire class was allowed to pet the beast. It roared once and scared the whole class, but it remained harmless for the most part. In fact it seemed to enjoy the petting as it began to purr like a cat only with a much deeper rumbling.

Stephanous dared to approach the head of the creature and began speaking with it gently.

"Hey girl how you doing?" He said as he stroked her feathers.

"I'm doing quite well." The griffin answered which shocked Stephanous and the class. "How are you today young man?" She asked politely.

"I'm fine." Stephanous replied. "I'm Steph. I'm glad you allowed us to pet you. Do they let you out to fly on your own much?"

"Why yes they do." She replied. "I'm only here for the first week of class and then the rest of the year I'm on my own. I enjoy the children."

"Do you have any of your own?" Stephanous asked curiously.

"I have five children three girls and two boys." She replied in a polite tone and then pecked Isaian playfully.

"Hey quit hogging the bird!" Lassitor said trying to muscle his way in, but he couldn't shove Stephanous aside. "Some of the rest of us would like to talk to the thing as well."

"Hey bird what's your name?"

The griffin scowled at Lassitor as if it were a beast encroaching on its territory. "I don't like you little man! And I'm not a bird I'm a griffin or weren't you paying attention to your instructor. You are one of the most repulsive students I have ever seen and heard."

The Professor of the class pulled Lassitor away from the griffin. "What do you think you're doing mister!?" She said in a heated tone. "That is a griffon! You're lucky she doesn't peck one of your eyes out! Now stop being a menace and start acting like a Dou-Jin!"

Holiday asked the class to return to the seats. She apologized to the griffon for the boys rude behaviors and had Lassitor come up in front of the class and apologize to the griffin as well, although he did it grudgingly.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now