Chapter 2a Continued

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"'Old Roda-Ki scum!" The leader of the three horsemen yelled. He was a graying crimson hair dwarf with a thick graying strawberry colored beard and an even thicker accent.

The next second four weapons were drawn and ready for battle. Brady's blade was pitch black light and a strange fire that wasn't fire revealing his sinister and vile heart. For black, in the league of the Roda-Ki, meant pure vileness. The vilest of all evils. They would as soon kill you as look at you.

The three horsemen had different colored spirit-weapons as well. One man Michale Brody a tall Human black man who had thick dreadlocks and a goatee and his he had a spiritsword that was of a light and flame was violet in color, J.D. Petro another the short dwarven man that had halted the Roda-Ki had a battleaxe of light wavering crimson, and the third a slender elf named Ronoldo Silverleaf had long flowing silver hair that cascaded down to the middle of his back and he had a staff of flickering azure.

Brady hissed at the newcomers. He took a swing at Stephanous trying to end the young man's life so that the true Dou-Jin couldn't have him, but the boy's natural agileness dodged the attack with little effort and stepped away from the tall Zepherion black man.

Brady quickly jumped into his saddle and rode of leaving his extra horse behind. "The boy will never make it to the temple!" The Roda-Ki yelled to the true Dou-Jin. "The Dou-Jin will fall! We have spies everywhere! You arrogant fools don't even know that the Dou-Jin are falling apart at the seams!" He laughed hysterically and within seconds he was swallowed up by the nearby forest.

The three Dou-Jin put their weapons away and approached Inger. They stood a distance away trying to reassure the young mother that they meant no harm to her or her family.

"Mrs. Dragonsbane." J.D. started his voice was deep and sounded like someone who had gravel in a cast iron frying pan. "I be J.D. Petro Dou-Jin Master. Me friends be Ronoldo Silverleaf uh royal elf he be from Talos 'e also a Master Dou-Jin, and lastly me good friend " Brody 'uman from Dallas in Alclamain 'e too es uh Dou-Jin Master."

Inger held her children behind her except for Stephanous who bravely stood before his mother with the wood splitting maul, the one he'd been chopping wood with.

"Steph get behind me!" His mother ordered.

Stephanous ignored his mother's orders and held his ground though. "I'm not going to let them hurt you mother."

"We didn't know thet th' Roda-Ki knew 'bout yer son." J.D. informed Inger. "Or we would 'ave been 'ere sooner. We're the Dou-Jin sent from th' temple to take Stephanous to th' temple. 'e es tuh go tuh Lost Vargas the capital of the Dou-Jin. There 'e will be trained 'nd brought up right."

Stephanous put the axe down. He gazed at each man in their eyes as if searching for something. I believe them mom. Their weapons weren't black like Brady's was. I want my mother to be protected though, in case Brady comes back.

"I will be staying with your mother for a few weeks." Ronoldo said in a light quiet voice. "The Roda-Ki can't be trusted at the best of times."

"I hope you enjoy your journey's Stephanous. May you live healthy and flourish." Then Ronoldo put his fist over his heart and bowed. I'll take care of your mother and your siblings."

"I don'a know whet thet Bastage Brady told yuh 'bout yer son." J.D. said in irritation at himself more than anyone. "But th' Creator's got uh lot 'n store fer 'im."

"Yes." Inger replied. Her voice was still a bit shaky after everything that had happened. She wasn't sure she could trust these men, but Stephanous said he trusted them and he had always been a good judge of character, but why he had agreed to go with Brady was beyond her. "He said that my son was to stop Lilith from breaking the eighteen seals."

"Thet would be th' some uf et." J.D. replied. "I'm sorry lass. Et's uh big burden tuh put on yer son, but we'll train 'im up good 'nd proper 'nd Th' Creator will do th' rest."

Stephanous hugged his little sister and brothers good-bye and gave his mother a kiss. With that Stephanous mounted one of the extra horses the Dou-Jin had brought with them and rode off and looked back occasionally and waved until the large farm was out of sight.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now