Chapter 38 Sabotage

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Chapter 38


Lilith gazed into the mirror hoping to see the triumph of her troops, but all she saw was a siege of the city of Lost Vargas. The destruction of the city hadn't happened much to her dismay. Word had managed to get back to the temple of the impending invasion of the Roda-Ki. The double agents had done their jobs and were now back with the Dou-Jin safe behind the wall. Most of the Roda-Ki agents had be caught or had escaped in the incursion of the preparation of the war with the Roda-Ki.

The Roda-Ki had failed in killing the leaders of the Dou-Jin hierarchy. All the Head Masters had managed to make it out alive and the vile Roda-Ki infiltrators had been captured, killed, or had escaped. Twenty Roda-Ki and sympathizers had been caught in the temple, city, and school and still others slain.

The Dou-Jin couldn't believe how many had infiltrated their ranks. They felt they had become complacent and lax in their screening of members. They were going to have to revamp their way of inspection their candidates and validating their current members. Their magical ways needed to be improved.

Lilith gazed through her mirror in disappointment. Her secret attack on the Dou-Jin had been foiled. She had lost fifty Roda-Ki and Maroke in the battle and that had been bad enough. She couldn't blame any of her shaders for the failure so killing a few of them wouldn't do any good in helping ridding her of her frustrations. That wasn't going to stop her though. She was angry and she was going to vent her aggravation.

She called a shader into her chambers. The shader came in. His body transformed from that of a half spider to a full shadow elf. He was naked in the room but he was alone or was he? He thought he could sense someone else in the room, but he couldn't see anyone.

He heard a skittering across the floor.

"Mistress is that you?" He asked apprehensively.

He felt something slash him across the back. He could feel the gash drain of his blood. The sting of venom seeped into the wound. Then a slash slipped across his abdomen and he grabbed his stomach to keep his insides from spilling onto the floor. Blood poured from his wounds, then came the killing blow the slice across his throat that nearly cut off his head.

Lilith drank up the blood that spilled upon her chamber floor with little satisfaction. The slaying of the shader brought her insignificant pleasure. She knew that it wasn't the same as usual. She was still angry and dissatisfied. Maybe another would make her feel better, but she decided against it because she didn't feel like it at the moment.

She went to the mirror to watch Stephanous. That's who she really wanted. The Dou-Jin capital was just a concilation prize. All her premonitions and witches and wizard had told her that this young boy was going to be her downfall.

Lilith called in shadow elf priestesses to clean up her floor and to be quick about it. She then asked for the shader general to come in while the priestesses were cleaning up. It helped to motivate the shaders into doing a better job at the tasks that Lilith asked then to do.

The General came in and glanced down at the body being dragged out of the chamber. His stomach turned at the sight, but his face and stature belied his feelings because he refused to let Lilith see fear in him. If he showed terror she would see it as weakness and possibly kill him the same way on the spot, especially since she was in her spider form.

General Annail Markoff was standing at attention. He stood six foot six inches tall. Upon his the jacket of his uniform was several ribbons and medals that were more than a shader of his station would have had.

The Dou-Jin Apprentice of Monsters and Men  In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now