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  Dedicated to AlexSuteu

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Music: Woodland Tales composed by Adrian von Ziegler

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Music: Woodland Tales composed by Adrian von Ziegler

Another wonderful autumn day in Eversong Woods and Tiene Firefury had once again snuck away from doing chores. As usual, her fascination with the lynx' as they hunted had become the priority. She loved the way they moved, stealthing along, bellies close to the ground as they honed in on some hapless woodland creature; their next meal. It was part of her life's education as she saw it. She would mimic their movements as best she could, albeit on two legs instead of four. Their grace, their cunning, their focus; all of these traits she observed and tried to master.

Her azure eyes watched with unfathomable concentration as the lynx stalked its prey in the long, dancing grasses. Its haunches shuddered, ready to spring for the kill. Tiene held her breath, her patience matching that of the lynx. Any moment now...

A sharp, crackling sound came from a few feet behind. She snapped her head around and saw her brother Inaris, conjuring a firebolt, aiming it at the lynx. "No!! Don't you dare!" she hissed.

Inaris smirked but didn't diminish his spell. He did, however, change its direction and it hit the fawn which the lynx had set its sights on. The young deer made a strange little bark before hitting the ground, twitching, wispy trails of smoke rising from the fur on its flank. The lynx, spooked by the attack, ran off towards the hills.

"You are mean, Inaris!" Tiene stomped towards her brother who now stood, arms folded with a look of mock reprimand on his face.

"And you, young lady, are in trouble. Father is not pleased with you sloping off from your chores...again!" He grinned as she huffed past him.

Her buoyant golden hair bounced on her shoulders, cascading over her back as she stormed her way back to Silvermoon City. Her face was thunderous, she hated it when Inaris used his magic to spoil her day, and he did that quite often. It annoyed her, even more, when he kept whistling that annoying little tune he always liked as he followed her through Shepherd's Gate, the entrance to the city. She tried to pick up the pace and lose him as she rounded the corner and sprinted through the Bazaar into The Walk of Elders. Inaris was not to be outdone though, he always won the race thanks to his magic. As she rounded the gateway into the Royal Exchange, he was already standing leaning against the exit waiting for her.

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