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Mid-morning, and Yathas and his sons ensured the trunk with Tiene's things were secured to the wagon for the trek to Lordaeron. Duthan had managed to acquire a couple of horses as they were best for pulling a wagon the distance rather than the local hawkstriders.

All was good to go apart from one or two light snacks for the journey. If there were no hitches on the road, they should reach their destination by early evening as Yathas had one or two stops to deliver some armour en route. Inaris was going to join them. Duthan had to return to the Farstrider Enclave so he and Lor'themar would accompany them part of the way.

Camnath had come to say his farewells. It was a poignant moment, the two of them standing together, neither wanting to say goodbye. The lad was smitten, as was she, it was rather sweet. The brothers sneaked a peek through the window. It seemed to be taking them a long time to do the thing they both so obviously wanted to do.

Inaris sighed heavily, his patience for once, wearing thin. He shook his head at Duthan and Lor'themar. "That's it! They need guidance."

The two Rangers smirked, knowing full well what he was going to do. He headed toward the pathetic-looking couple. They only noticed him when he stopped beside them, his hands on hips, and brow furrowed.  Silently, they watched as he rolled up his sleeves. "For goodness sake, you two, just kiss and be done with it!"  Placing a hand each on both their heads he steered them to a kiss. Once satisfied that the deed was done he walked back into the house, beside Duthan and Lor'themar. Smugly, he held out his hand to Duthan.

"You are incorrigible," Lor'themar laughed, nudging the cheeky warlock.

"No!" Duthan said, adamant. "You intervened, so no winnings."

"There is nothing in the rules to say I could not lend a 'helping hand'," Inaris quipped, flicking his fingers, demanding payment.

His older brother shook his head, still determined to keep his money. "You used a spell didn't you?" he accused. "Look! They seem welded." He pointed to the young couple who were still kissing.

"I did not!" Inaris replied indignantly.

"Still no bet!"

"You're a sore loser, Duthan," Inaris accused.

"And you are a cheat," his brother laughed.

The two sweethearts soon sprang apart as Yathas arrived with some final supplies. They looked a little embarrassed, but he heard them giggling quietly. He cocked an eyebrow at the youngsters before moving to the wagon where he secured the goods. He smiled. Not kids anymore, he thought.

It was time for their trek to begin. After one last kiss, Camnath helped Tiene up onto the wagon. He followed them to Shepherd's Gate and stood, waving, as they trundled over the rise and out of sight. Tiene felt a lump in her throat. She would miss him terribly. Already she was looking forward to coming home to see him again.

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