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Two rather odd-looking individuals approached the portcullis of the Crimson Blades

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Two rather odd-looking individuals approached the portcullis of the Crimson Blades. One was a priest, of frail stature but dressed well in purple robes; the other was a monocled aristocrat, and rather eccentric looking. He wore a colourful waistcoat which peeked out from under a blue, well-tailored jacket. Impatiently, he pulled out a pocket watch, flipped it open to check the time then closed the lid again.

"What d'ye want?" a guard asked from behind the metal spars.

"We wish to see one of the recruits who was injured yesterday," the little priest said.


"Tiene Firefury."

"Not the recruit. Yours!"

The little priest chuckled, embarrassed by his mistake.

The monocled individual rolled his eyes. "Just tell Sauren, Louvel Nottley is here," he said gruffly.

The guard eyed the two of them suspiciously, then turned and shouted to another guard further back who came trotting forward. The guard whispered in his ear, and the second man took off across the courtyard.

Sauren was discussing training schedules with three of his trainers when the guard approached. He turned toward the man, mild irritation at being interrupted - until he learned who stood at the gate. A slow smile crept over his mouth. He moved towards the entrance of the grounds with long, deliberate strides.

Louvel, with forefinger tapping his chin, was wondering how easy it would be to scale the walls as Sauren neared.

Fyn Godwin, the priest, watched the tall, athletic figure approaching, transfixed, his eyes growing larger by the second. Here came a man who oozed power and charm. The long platinum hair, worn loose apart from three plaits on one side, draped over the man's shoulders. His stride was confident, assured. The garments he wore were everyday attire, but immaculately tailored; black pants tucked into knee-length riding boots and a black shirt, the sleeves, rippling as he walked. When he stopped in front of the visitors, Fyn noticed part of a tattoo peeking up from the gap in the shirt's neckline. The man greeted Fyn and Louvel with a show of perfect teeth from behind his charismatic smile. "Gentlemen!" he said warmly, his voice a little gravelly.

Louvel cocked an eyebrow which caused his monocle to fall out and dangle on its wiry strap. "Sauren," he responded. "And no, before you ask - I have not come to sign your charter nor join your guild. I am here to see the Firefury girl. I believe she was injured during one of your elaborate training thingummyjigs."

"Ah," Sauren acknowledged, stifling a laugh at the rogue's diatribe. "She will be most pleased to see you Louvel. But she is not at death's door- " He turned to look at Fyn. "There was no need to bring a priest," he teased.

The little holy man laughed. "Oh, no, sir, I met the young lady some time ago when she visited Ravensholdt Manor. I was in town and met with this rambunctious individual, who told me Tiene was here at the Crimson Blades."

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