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Tiene stood at the edge of her window watching as Sauren and his two henchmen rode out from the complex

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Tiene stood at the edge of her window watching as Sauren and his two henchmen rode out from the complex. Finally, she had some breathing space.

He had come to her rooms earlier to tell her he had some business to tend to, which meant he would not be returning until the following evening. He'd gathered her in his arms and held her, quietly, delicately, like a flower. Nuzzling against her hair, he'd whispered how much he cared for her, wanted her.

At first, Tiene had been rigid, her emotions betwixt loathing and anger, but she was formulating a plan. This 'relationship' or whatever it was, had to be approached like a mission. So, she yielded to his embrace, although it was not without considerable effort. His kiss was deep, warm, passionate - but still, it was not the one she wanted. Dwelling on that, however, would not enable her to do what needed doing.

Of the recruits who had stayed for the previous night's celebrations, most had now gone home to be with family, and only a handful of trainers and advisors remained in the grounds. Tiene intended to go home later in the day - her father would wonder what was wrong if she did not spend some time with her family during Winter Veil. But she needed a little time to work things through in her head.

It was mid-morning and with the grounds being relatively quiet, only one sitting would be held for any meals. Tiene was pretty sure she had missed breakfast. It was probably for the best; she would not have been able to face others in the dining hall - she still felt somewhat 'exposed', raw. But, she had to eat, and she was hungry now, so she headed down to the kitchens.

Dressed in plain cloth trousers, tunic, soft-soled boots with a scarf to hide the light bruising on her throat, she ventured downstairs. It was strange with the halls and rooms being empty of chattering and laughing trainees. A skeleton staff were busy still cleaning up from the festivities of the night before. They went about their chores without so much as a glance in her direction.

Initially, when she'd first crossed the hall from Sauren's chambers to her rooms, a feeling of paranoia had gripped her. She'd visualised everyone sneering or laughing at her, imagining a sign above her head stating loud and clear she was 'Sauren's New Pet'. That ludicrous thought, however, dissipated after she'd bathed, cried, and started to formulate a plan.

Sauren had made it clear; she was the one he wanted above all others. He desperately wanted her to feel the same way about him. That would never happen. Her heart was secreted away, in Camnath's care, but whether he chose to look after, or discard it, she would never know. Nevertheless, it did not change the fact it was in his possession and his alone. Even if he no longer believed in her, she would always carry a torch for her ebony-haired love, until she was no more.

But as far as her current situation was concerned, she would play the part. There was too much at stake for her to do otherwise.

First, and foremostly, her family could never know what had happened. They would no doubt come to see that she was with Sauren, in time, but she would shield them from finding out the circumstances. The last thing she wanted was her brothers coming riding into the grounds seeking vengeance for their sister's brutal deflowering.

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