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New trainees rolled in through the Crimson Blades' gates in late summer, and just as many also left

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New trainees rolled in through the Crimson Blades' gates in late summer, and just as many also left.

Some of Tiene's friends had decided to leave but remained part of the guild. They would work from their home base, wherever they chose to live and be contactable through the standard network when duty requested their presence.

Only two of her group stayed at the complex, Thil'las and Emmek, and they, like Tiene, took on new roles at the guild. They became the new generation of trainers. And now they all lived in the towers - the residences of the elite.

On a sadder note, the Blades said goodbye to three long-standing trainers. Two of them retired, their reason; they would leave the task of developing future young Blades to the newer, more agile coaches. The third was Ylwen, formerly known as 'the scary redhead', who had decided to leave the guild to concentrate on her family.

Colleagues arranged for a meal and a farewell drink at Capital Inn as a friendly send-off for the three mentors.

Reflective, Tiene couldn't help but feel they were all leaving the ship before it sank and took them with it.

During the retirement dinner, Tiene was delighted to see Louvel and Fyn. They too were enjoying a meal - a custom insisted upon by the little priest whenever he paid a visit to the city.

She introduced Brett, Thil'las and Emmek as they joined the noble rogue and little priest in Louvel's favourite booth in the tavern. The conversation was hushed, peppered with light laughter and clinking of glasses to cover the fact that guarded secrets were being shared.

"I have some news for you, which you are not going to like," Louvel said to Tiene in particular. Glances flitted between her three colleagues, a sense of dread weighing heavily from the noble rogue's words.

"Tell me then," Tiene said before taking a sip of wine.

"I was working on a recent little escapade in Eastweald. There, I found out someone is working with your esteemed leader who you know quite well if I recall correctly from past conversations. And he is also linked to Kel'Thuzad and..."

"He's dead, Arthas killed him," Thil'las said quietly.

"Yes, I know," Louvel said, a little put out by the night elf's interruption. "- but his work lives on in Caer Darrow. Only, a new face has taken on the role of Headmaster, shall we say."

Tiene sat forward. "As in teaching necromancy, you mean?"

"Whether he is teaching it or merely enjoying it I do not know, Tiene, but he is a rather flamboyant character I hear - a bit like myself I guess," Louvel said with a smirk as he lifted his glass.

"A name please?" Tiene said.

Leaning closer to her, Louvel whispered, "His name, is Dar'Khan Drathir."

Tiene paled, and her eyes were wide. Of all the people, she thought. Thil'las and Emmek, being none the wiser, glanced at each other and shrugged.

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