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War was raging again, and folks previously considered as allies were drifting, allegiances changing

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War was raging again, and folks previously considered as allies were drifting, allegiances changing. Belaen Bloodbane knew it was only a matter of time before those in both his and Brett's guilds would become divided. But, he still hoped politics would not determine their numbers. Then again, perhaps that was just wishful thinking, trying to hold on to a glorious past.

The horrors in Capital City and throughout Lordaeron had deigned the Blades' move as inevitable and necessary. Brett's communique requesting discussions on a unification of the two guilds was both welcome and potentially fortuitous.

Belaen's guild was still new in comparison to the Crimson Blades. But it was reputable with an impressive list of accomplishments and clientele throughout Kalimdor.

His decision to move to Auberdine a year ago was with the sole intention of increasing the guild's size. He had not, however, foreseen its numbers swelling through an amalgamation, nor with the very guild long considered the hierarchy of the Rogue community.

As Belaen pointed out on their arrival, the stronghold was immense, with ample room for the Crimson Blades and all their supplies. It was encouraging to see both guilds working so conscientiously together; hearing the banter, the laughter while they busied themselves organising rooms and supplies to their best advantage.

Long may it last, Belaen thought. He watched the activity below, his contemplation giving way to a modest smile.

On a lighter note, preparations for the forthcoming wedding were underway. Belaen's smile broadened as young housemaids, with colourful buntings for decorating the halls, ran giggling, excited for the celebration.

Alongside the wagonloads of the Blades' supplies, butchers, bakers, wine merchants plus local produce, arrived with their fare. Even florists went about the complex with their colourful displays and bouquets.

"They are all working well together," Brett's voice sounded from behind.

Belaen turned as the human rogue approached. The two of them, like old friends, mirrored each other, leaning their forearms on the railing, observing the industry below.

"Yes," Belaen replied, a broad smile on his face. "Not only from our joining forces, Brett, but the wedding is proving a tonic for all, in these dark days."

"Aye. Something was needed to lift the gloom."

Belaen nodded. "Indeed."

The sound of laughter made the two men look toward the dining hall.

Tiene appeared from the doorway, colourful garlands around her neck, and Camnath in pursuit. He caught her - her laughter sounded like a child's; high-spirited, innocent, free. The groom-to-be removed the flowers and handed them back to the maid who anxiously ran to collect them. Camnath then swirled Tiene around, before he made a pretence of scolding her for ruining the girl's handiwork. The couple shared a kiss and hand-in-hand left the complex to explore Auberdine.

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