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Music: The Elven Prophecy composed by BrunuhVille

Every two years, rogue guilds would meet for an evening of merriment known as The Gathering, held during Great-Father Winter holiday season

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Every two years, rogue guilds would meet for an evening of merriment known as The Gathering, held during Great-Father Winter holiday season. Guilds took turns at staging the event and the host guild would permit their students who were not spending the holidays with their families, to attend the evening. The guest Guild Leaders would attend with three of their top recruits. The celebration was a grand affair and eagerly looked forward to by the hosts and guests alike.

Tiene had chosen to stay, for Camnath had written to tell her he would be attending.

The evening would include music, dancing, good food, and duelling (for those so inclined) to show off their skills, and general camaraderie.

Having met some other guilds during her time with the Crimson Blade, albeit briefly, she was looking forward to mingling with others on a more social level.

Tiene was readying herself for the evening with help from Ella who fussed over her. The housemaid was not staying for the celebrations, but insisted on seeing Tiene in the splendid gown which Sauren had gifted the young rogue "as a reward for excellence".

The gown was exquisite - black with minuscule beads sewn into the bodice and scattered randomly in the skirts. It shimmered when Tiene moved and made the most amazing swooshing sound as she spun around; the skirts widening and swirling as she turned. While Ella busied herself closing the tiny fastenings at the back of the bodice, Tiene took time to reflect on the year's progress.

Since her arrival in Lordaeron twelve months ago, her likeability had been determined from the outset when Sauren had insisted she be given the lavish quarters in the main turret close to where his rooms were located. The preferential treatment was a mark of respect for her family's name and the legendary status her parents held from their time employed with the Crimson Blades.

But, as a direct result, she had been subjected to some scorn. Jealousy and indifference were also thrown in the mix from a few of the students. One, in particular, had been an enormous disappointment, but also a lesson. Thankfully, most students had been amiable enough, and some became good friends.

Her esteemed leader, Sauren, had been nothing but a gentleman and treated Tiene well; although he did tease her at times. They worked and trained together, periodically, but sometimes he would sit with her in the library where they discussed the books they enjoyed. They would walk along the battlements, sometimes in silence, sometimes in deep conversation. Overall, Guild Master and recruit got on well.

That, however, almost didn't happen when Lexie's departing 'gift' to Tiene cast aspersions upon the Guild Master. Lexie turned out to be a jealous, scorned lover and nothing more. Her accusations had led to Sauren divulging personal details - which, profoundly embarrassed Tiene, but also gave her some perspective. Her brothers were equally active with the ladies, but that did not detract from their kind hearts and decency; they were good men. Over time Tiene came to accept that her friend's words had stemmed from Lexie's sadness for being torn from the arms of the man with whom she was infatuated. Tiene, therefore, did not think ill of Lexie; if anything, she felt sorry for her.

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