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Music: Warriors by Ronan Hardiman

The night drew to an end

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The night drew to an end. All the Guild Masters and their parties thanked their host for an enjoyable evening as they took their leave. Some left by way of portals and others mounted steeds and wagons accordingly. They left the Crimson Blades complex happy, full of good food, and in some cases a little intoxicated.

Sauren watched as Belaen and two of his recruits left the grounds. His jaw tightened. It seemed the Sigil of Shadow was missing one of their own. He glared at Brett. "I thought I told you to keep an eye on them."

"I did," Brett replied defensive.

"Then where are they?"

"Not where you think anyway." Brett held his ground, and he knew it would probably cost him, but primarily, he did not want the night to end irrevocably for Tiene and Camnath.

Sauren called on his two henchmen, Don and Reed, who he issued orders to in a hushed voice. The two men dutifully shot out of the main hall to search the grounds.

"Why were you not watching them closer?" Sauren hissed, turning back to Brett.

But, the second in command had been watching them. Although Brett suspected the night was not going to end as the young couple hoped, he nevertheless gleaned a little comfort in the knowledge Don and Reed would not be the ones to find them. Brett gritted his teeth, agitated - he had no choice but to tell Sauren where Tiene and Camnath were. "I saw them heading for the library," he said.

Sauren stared at him, eyes, dark. After a few moments, his mood lifted, and a grin crossed his mouth. "Good! Let's go to them. I have some news to share."

Somehow, Brett sensed the 'news', was anything but good, but he followed in silence as they headed to what had become Tiene's favourite place in the complex.

The two men entered the library and found the young couple sitting together, enjoying a last glass of wine. Oblivious of their observers, they were laughing lightly, inching closer, lips almost touching. Sauren signalled for Brett to stay a few steps behind as he approached Tiene and Camnath.

"I am afraid the evening is over," Sauren announced, bold, pinching his cuffs and flexing his fingers.

The couple started at the sudden intrusion. Camnath put down his glass and stood, respectful. Inclining his head, he apologised and glanced at Tiene. The young elf appeared to be a little awkward.

The Guild Master stared at him, waiting.

Tiene stood and moved beside Camnath, her face showing uncertainty. Camnath placed his arm around her waist, protective, and as if stating a claim.

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